Zayn imagine part 3

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He did something unexcepted..

He peak your lips and went away

Emily saw everything n ran towards you to stop but you handed her you coffees and went towards that boy !

"Hey (Y/N) are you crazy no!" But you didn't !listen to her and went towards the table where 5 boys were sitted

You sent over them and said

"Excuse me... Care to explain all that" you said trying to be calm

"Uh...actually we-" you cut one of the boy and went over the boy who kissed your cheek

You pull down his hoodie

"I m not like all that stupid girls who will be crazy that YOU kiss me okay " you said

"Ah act-" you cut him n did something unexcepted

You took the coffee and spill it all over his hair

Everybody grasp

And without saying a word you went outside

Emily: I m so sorry about her! Uh Zayn I m sorry and boys so sorry!

Zayn: ah its fine I guess *wiping his face with a tissue*

Louis: its all because of our dare sorry mate

Zayn: yeah its fine

Harry: where did she went though?

Emliy: *wide her eyes* on my gosh I gotta go bye

She sadi n went outside to find you

Liam: I told you it's a stupid dare

Niall: yeah...thank god there are no paps right now

Zayn: oh yeah my luck

Everyone laughed

Louis: let's go then let's clean you up zaynie!

Zayn: * chuckled* OK Lou let's go boys


E - Emliy Y- you

E- (Y/N) wait.. Please calm down it was just a dare

Y- yeah he is THE ZAYN MALIK that doesn't mean he can do anything

E- he is not like that (Y/N)

Y- you know he is like that... All of them are!

E- no ac-

Y- if you are just gonna talk about them then I m going bye!

E- * gets quite* *tickles you*

Y- no *laugh* hell Emliy *laugh* I.....can't.... Breath....oh s-stop...

She stopped and you two laugh

E- wanna go shopping?

Y- sure let's go

E- *hook arms with you and start to walk*

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