Zayn imagine Part 4

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Zayn's POV

"Hey what about this one!"harry hold out a t-shirt in front of me

" ahh nope mate you should try......this one" I said holding out a T-shirt with COol written over it

He tool that n put it on the basket

I turn around to look at more stuff when a particular girl caught my attention

Oh no its her

"Not again" I said

"Huh what happen bro?" Harry asked

I pointed at the two girls

He laughed

"Let's go talk to them maybe?" He said

I glare at him

"Oh OK OK sorry '' he said n went back to the counter to pay the bill

After a while he come back

And that girls were gone toI yousigh

" I m hungry let's go to starbucks!" Harry said

I nodded and we started to walk with out hoddie and sunglasses!

We arrived at Starbucks and get our coffees!

We decide to get going with our coffee so we started to walk out

I look down to avoid any ones eye but suddenly I bam!

I bumped into someone resulting all the coffee to spill on her dress

"Oh its fine i-" she cut as she saw me

"Uh I m sorry...again" I said as I was ready to hear something from her like yelling or something but no

She just glare at me

I look over at harry who was...smirking...?

I look back at the girl to see I spill it over her top which was now transparent!

Ahh harry!

She got why harry was smirking and folded her arms around her chest

And this was the first time I saw her properly

She is fit!


Just...ahh Zayn she hate you and you don't even like her so shut up!

She cleared her throat

"Its fine! But please watch out where are you going on!" She said n Strom away

"She is fit huh" harry said

"What..?" I ask

I wide my eyes

"Yeah she heard that too!" He said smirking

I face-palm

"Don't worry mate! I guess you are meant to be coz you bump into her so many times! Any th ng happen (Y/N) is there!" Harry said

"(Y/N)?" I ask

"Yeah (Y/N) her name! Cute right", he ask

I smile

" how do you know?" I ask

"Oh hello I m harry styles I have my own ways " he said with a smirk

I laugh

"Let's go now I don't wanna bump into her again" I said as harry laughed and we went away to the other shops!




Your POV......

How dare he?

I m fit?

Ahh stupid!

I went inside the washroom and ask the lady if I can get some cloths she hooded and went over some shop and hand me a tank top and shorts!

I thanked her and changed

She took my old cloths n gave it to me in a bad

I smile and I went outside and saw Emily

E- where were you?

S- some idiot bump coffee on my cloths so I was changing!

E- ohhah OK now we are watching movie! Letsss go!

Then she drag me towards the theatre

We went inside and ya all know like everything was dark so we went to our seats n sat down

Worst part is Emily is after one seat next to me

There is a old old man sitting next to me

So I look over my right to see who is beside me

There were 3 boys beside me

"hey Zayn pass me some pop corn" I heard a cute Irish accent

I smile at it until I got Zayn?

Ahh not again!

I look over him even though it was dark

"Not again" I mumble but he heard me shoot!

All three of them look towards me n I think it was that harry guy laugh

"What harry?" Again that cute Irish boy said

"Zaaaaynnnn your luck!" Harry sing

"Shut up Harry" zayn said

I was going to go n sit somewhere else but the movie started

Worst part its a horror movie in 3D *sigh*

I admit I get scared a bit and Emily is not here too and Zayn malik is beside me thanks you so much god! My luck!

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