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Nathan had just completed the dreaded chore of bathing a very reluctant Clara when he instinctively turned .His heart sank as he did so. Allen,Clara's five- year old twin brother, emptied the contents of the baby powder on himself and all over the new carpet he had laid out on the bedroom floor just the previous weekend.
He glanced at the clock and his anxiety increased. It was a quarter to six and he had to be at the office before 8am.
He has been up since 5am preparing for the day .He warmed the rice porridge he had prepared the previous evening and laid out the children's uniforms on the sofa. He also packed his briefcase with all the relevant documents he would need in the course of the day and he even put water in the giant flask all in effort to have an early Start , but the children simply refused to co-operate with him. To ensure that they co-operated with him Nathan put them to sleep earlier than their usual time but all his efforts we're to go to waste as he later found out .
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