Chapter 1

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       My eyes lit up as the picture on the screen caught my eye. After 2 years of hopeless searching, it was finally her, I knew for sure this time.

      "Megs! Megs! I've got her! I found her!" I yelled, rushing through the house to the living room before shoving my laptop in her hands.

      She looked closely at the picture before sighing, "Blake it might not be her"

      "It is her!"

      "You've said this before. Blake, it's been 2 years, and every other girl we thought was her wasn't. You need to move on, this obsession with holding onto her memory isn't good for you" Megs stood and placed her hand on my shoulder.

      "One last try Megs, I know this is her" I looked pleadingly at her.

      She huffed out a breath, "Fine, but when it's not her, you give up and move on with your life, deal?" she held her hand out for me to shake.

      Was I ready to give up if this wasn't really her? No, because this was her, this was going to be the moment we found Brenda. I took Megs' hand, "Deal"

      "How far are we headed this time then?"

      "Not far, this photography website says she lives in the Upper West side of New York City"

      "Okay this one really sounds like a possible Brenda location, New York is Gossip Girl in her mind"

      "I'm telling you Megs, we've found her" I smiled brightly at her.

      "You really believe it this time, your eyes have lit up properly for the first time since that night"

      "I really do, I think I'm about to get her back"

      "7689 Castle Towers-" I was reading off the sheet I wrote the address on.

      "Castle? Really? Oh the irony, you can take her out of Castlebay, but you can't take the Castlebay out of her" Megs laughed.

      "As I was saying, 7689 Castle Towers, corner of 143rd Street, this is it" I looked up at the tall building in front of us.

      "Again, it looks like somewhere Brenda would live, are you ready?" Megs looked at me.

      "As I'll ever be"

      I walked up to the door and was about to knock when Megs pulled my hand away, "Do you even know what you're going to say?"

      "I'll figure that out when we know if it's her" I retracted my hand and knocked firmly on the door, hearing shuffling on the other side. Around a minute later, the door opened, and there she was.

      She was stood in the doorway, yet another old pair of camogie shorts on, but this time an over-sized Bring Me the Horizon t-shirt and her hair was now dyed a fading light blue.

      "Brenda?" I whispered, choked slightly by the overwhelming emotion of seeing her again in person.

      "I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong address-" She moved to close the door, but Megs placed her foot in to stop it from closing.

      "Brenda, don't mess with us" We both stepped through the doorway, the remaining colour draining from her face before another voice rang out through the apartment.

      "Shan? What's happening" A male voice called.

      "Nothing I'll be one minute!" Brenda called back, "Look I don't know who you think you are-"

      "You know who we are!" I exclaimed.

      "Seriously Shannon can people not take a clue to leave when- oh shit" I looked up as the male voice entered the room.


Finding Her (Sequel to Castlebay) // Blake RichardsonWhere stories live. Discover now