Chapter 1. Pre-Story.

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Chiyuri used to live with her parents; Misuzu and Yuu Katsura, and her twin sister Michiru (Amy) in Japan. Her parents owned a small, but expensive jewelry store, and lived above it. Even though they earned a lot of money with selling jewellery, Chiyuri's parents didn't want to move and live in a bigger house. The reason was simply because they liked it there, it was small, but also really cozy. In the store they sold common stones, but also really beautiful, and rare ones. Because of this, there were also a lot of burglars after them. They we're especially trying to get their hands on the 'Amethyst Star'. The Amethyst Star was an old valuable heirloom made into a necklace of the Katsura family, and it wasn't for sale. It was worth a lot, since it had a huge amethyst gemstone in it. The stone however, wasn't the only thing that was so special about it. It was also rumored that the stone had some sort of healing powers, but this was only known to the Katsura family. It didn't heal injuries of any of the sort, but it helped to one special type of illness, one that was in the Katsura family for years. It was only a rumor though, there was never any evidence that it really worked. Only the women in the family could be affected by it though, and it didn't rule out Chiyuri's mother, Misuzu. Misuzu was originally from the Katsura family, which was a wealthy family with a lot of status, so Yuu, who came from a regular family with no special status, chose to marry into the Katsura family. Chiyuri was the only one of their two daughters that was born with the same illness as Misuzu had. She knew nothing about the stones powers, and it was also just an old rumor that had been going through the family for many years, it was most likely not even true. Misuzu treasured it, and always wore it, not visible for other people, under her clothes of course. Since rumors spread easily, some people knew about it though. There was never any signs of real danger, however, one time, they received a threathening letter, and when Michiru almost went missing one time, Misuzu and Yuu eventually decided that it wasn't safe for their daughters to live in this kind of environment, and that they could be in danger, and decided to move to America and make a new start. That wasn't the real reason they decided to move though, but the danger story was part of it, and it was also what they told everyone.

Chiyuri was a shy girl, and didn't really have any friends back in Japan. When she and her sister were playing outside with the other kids, Chiyuri was the one tostand on the sideline for most of the time and all she would do was watch them.It wasn't that she didn't want to play with them, she was just too timid to ask. Sometimes her sister pulled her along though. The only one she could rely on was her sister, Michiru. They used to always be together, but eventually, Chiyuri realised that Michiru couldn't always be there for her, since she had friends of her own. Chiyuri often felt left out because of that. She hadtrouble making friends in America too. While Michiru easily became friends witha few girls in their new class, Chiyuri was too afraid to say anything and stayed silent. Most of the boys in her class immediately admired her because of her shy attitude, the cute and girly dresses she wore, and her long hair. On the other hand, a lot of girls became jealous of her because of this, and started to hate her, ignoringher and also bullying her. It made her feel really miserable, like she didn'tbelong anywhere. Her sister didn't notice this at all, as she was too busy withher new friends. But then she met Aki Kino (Sylvia Woods), the only girl in herclass who was nice to her and wanted to get to know her better. Thanks to Aki, she also met Asuka Domon (Bobby Shearer), and befriended him too. She developed a crush on him after a short time, since she admired him and also because he was the only boy who wanted to become a friend of her because of how she was, instead of because of how she looked. Chiyuri spend most of her school- and free time with them, and became really close to them. Chiyuri didn't know aboutKazuya Ichinose (Erik Eagle) yet, since he was already 'dead' when she moved there, and Aki and Domon didn't tell her about him, since they didn't want to get reminded again of what happened back then.

Since Chiyuri trusted them both a lot, she told Aki about her feelings for Domon. The only other person she had told this was her sister, Michiru. Aki and Michiru both supported her. Michiru often teased her, which resulted in Chiyuri becoming really emberassed about it and even more shy than before. Even though she told Aki about it, she was still too shy to tell it to Domon herself. It didn't bother her all too much, since she was happy to at least be able to be his friend. But then, after a while, a populair boy in her class suddenly confessed his feelings in the middle of the classroom to her. Chiyuri didn't want to hurt him by rejecting him, so she panicked, and didn't know what to say. She fell silent and couldn't face him. Aki saw that Chiyuri panicked, and wanted to help her friend, and said that Chiyuri couldn't return his feelings, and then accidentally said that the reason why she couldn't, was because she already hada crush on Domon. Everyone in the classroom then stared at Chiyuri, wondering if it was the truth. Chiyuri didn't say anything, she just stared at the ground while blushing heavily. But Domon rejected her. Not because he didn't like her, in fact, he did. All he could think about was that he just didn't want the other guys in the class to hate her, too, because she chose him instead of on eof them. Without really thinking about it and looking at her, he told her thathe could never fall in love with a girl like her. Chiyuri then ran out of the classroom while crying. She stayed at home for three whole days. While Chiyuri was absent those days, her sister Michiru had a long talk with Aki and Domon at school about what happened. She then learned that Domon actually liked Chiyuri too, and she, with the help of Aki, convinced him that he should tell her, because Chiyuri didn't care about what her other classmates thought of her. She didn't want to see her sister sad anymore, and also felt a little bad about the fact that she didn't really spend much time with her sister lately. Then after that she tried to convince Chiyuri to come to school the next day, saying that Domon had to tell her something important. In the meantime, Chiyuri was wearing the Amethyst Star necklace of her mother. Her mother let her wear it that day, hoping Chiyuri would cheer up a bit, sinceboth Michiru and Chiyuri always loved the necklace she was wearing. Chiyuri didn't tell her parents what was wrong with her though, and Michiru didn't tell them either. Chiyuri pretended to just be sick, although Misuzu knew otherwise. But Misuzu didn't want to force Chiyuri to talk about it, and thus instead tried to cheer her up a bit. After a while, Michiru finally convinced Chiyuri to come to school the next day.

That night, two men that had their eyes on the Amethyst Star, and found out where the Katsura family had moved too, decided to kidnap their daughters, asking the Amethyst Star as randsom. They weren't just two random persons though, they were friends of Misuzu's brother, Chiyuri's uncle. He was after the family heirloom, mainly because of the money he could get if he would sell it. He was addicted to gambling, and had a lot of debts. After promising his friends he would share the money with them, they agreed to help him steal it, even resulting to means such as kidnapping. They had been studying the Katsura twins for over a week, knowing the exact route they would take home after school, and also knowing who they spend time with. Since Chiyuri stayed home for those three days, they couldn't get to her. But Michiru spend most of the evenings playing outside with her friends, until it'd get dark outside. Then, the kidnappers saw their chance, and succesfully captured Michiru. Even though Michiru was usually the toughest of the two girls, she was really scared by the kidnappers. Finally after some long hours, Michiru was finally saved by the police, without giving in to the kidnappers orders. Michiru was safe and unharmed, although the kidnappers got away. Ever since the moment she was saved, Michiru really looked up to the police agents that saved her, wanting to be just like them and save, or help, other people. Because of the kidnapping, Misuzu and Yuu made the decision to go into hiding, and send their daughters back to Japan. It was a hard decision for them, but they knew it was for the best, so their daughters could live a normal life. They didn't tell them anything, being afraid that they, of course, wanted to come with them. However, because of what happened to Michiru, Misuzu completely forgot that Chiyuri was still wearing her necklace. Chiyuri would inherit it eventually, since she was the oldest of the two twin daughters, but normally she would've had to wait until the age of eighteen. Chiyuriand Michiru were then taken away by the police, to Japan. Chiyuri didn't had a chance to say goodbye to Aki and Domon, and could never hear what he actually had to tell her, which she really regretted. Ever since that moment, Chiyuri held the necklace from her mother close to her and treasured it, as it was the only thing that she had left of her parents.

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