Chapter 4. 'Our Story'.

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-Michiru Katsura's P.O.V.-

I was sitting with three of my classmates at a table in our favorite sweets and desserts place, Lavender Sweets, in Kyoto. We we're sitting at the usual spot, a table all the way in the back of the shop, next to the window so you could see the streets outside and the people that would walk by. I was staring out of the window, not really paying attention, when I heard one of my classmates, Matsushita Rena, going on about the store. ''Lavender Sweets is the best desserts store in whole Kyoto! I defenitely want to become a patissiere myself when I grow up!'' Rena enthusiastically proclaimed. My other classmates, Ami and Mayoko, both nodded. ''I think you would do a great job!'' ''Me too!"' I was the only one that didn't say anything, as I was only half-listening to the conversation. ''Don't you think so too, Micchan?'' Mayoko asked, but I didn't hear her. ''Michiru's daydreaming again'', said Ami while laughing. Rena and Mayoko also started to laugh, and Rena, who sat next to me, poked me so I would notice them. ''Huh? What did you say..?'' I asked. They we're still laughing. ''Where you thinking about Hayato-kun again, Micchan?'' was what I heard Mayoko ask. All three of them we're staring at me, waiting for my response to their question. Hayato Ryuichi was one of the boys in our class which my friends we're trying to match with me. ''I do not have a crush on Hayato-kun'', I sighed. How many times did I still have to tell them? I've never had a crush on someone before, or maybe there was just one... But that was long ago. ''I haven't had a crush on someone since elementary school, and that was when I was living in America'' I told them. ''Why don't you tell us about him? You've never really told us about your past'', said Rena. She was right, I never told anyone about my life before I arrived in Kyoto. Not detailed that is. Rena, Ami, and Mayoko we're all looking at me, wondering if I was going to tell them about it. I let out a sigh, but agreed to do it. ''Sure.'' I trusted them, so why not? 

- Past. -

''I used to live in Japan with my parents and twinsister, Chiyuri. My sister was the older twin, although she often acted as the younger one. Due to safety reasons, my parents decided to move to America. I had to leave all my close friends behind and start over again, with only my sister to play with. It's not that I didn't like my sister, she's just different from me. Chiyuri was very shy and was always clinging to me, as she didn't have any friends. Sometimes it was a little annoying... I remember one time when one of my friends said that she didn't want to play with me anymore if it meant that Chiyuri always had to play with us. I wasn't looking forward to having the same thing all over again when we had to start over. I wanted to have friends of my own this time around, without Chiyuri tagging along or ruining it for me. But I knew that was probably not going to happen anyway...

Then, the day came when we arrived. We spent a few days unpacking everything, and after that my parents decided to send me and my sister to the school they picked out for us. I was actually looking forward to making new friends, but Chiyuri was making a fuss and crying that she didn't want to go instead. ''Can't you keep an eye on her or include her when you're playing with the other kids?'' my mother asked me. Did you know how frustrated I was to hear that? It was going to be the same all over again. She was going to be in the way of me and my friends once again. But I knew all I could say to my mom was 'yes'. So on the first day of school, Chiyuri walked next to me all day long. We were also placed in the same class. If that wasn't by accident, my parents probably asked for it. I immediately felt welcome in my new class. Both the girls and the boys we're nice to me. They weren't to Chiyuri though. For some reason, the boys in our class found Chiyuri extremely pretty, and really liked her shy attitude. It made the other girls jealous. I had to sit next to a girl named Maisie, and Chiyuri sat at the other end of the classroom, next to some other girl. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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