Le Poem { 1 }

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Romeo and Juliet Rap

By Belinda French

The wealthy family Montague

Had some beef with "you - know - who"

Here's a hint; The Capulets!

The ones that birthed fair Juliet

The Montagues had a boy you see

Juliet fell in love with he

Romeo Montague was his name

Their lives would never be the same

A holy friar married them

A secret he must carry then

A cousin challenged Romeo

But caught the eye of his friend, Mercutio

Mercutio slain at Tybalts hand

This death, Romeo could not stand

Revenge brought Tybalt to his knees

Romeo banished, no "buts" or pleas

An arranged marriage on the way

Juliet must marry Thursday

She drank a vial to fake her death

To wake up and be with her love again

Romeo, not knowing she lives

Returns to Mantua, his life he must give

Killing the man, his love betrothed

He entered her tomb, an eerie abode

Alive and well, Juliet sleeps

Romeo lies with her and drinks

The cup of poison now made void

His body limp, his life destroyed

Arise Juliet. Your husband is dead.

Defy the stars and stain yourself red

With a dagger there in Romeo's sheath.

'And there was weeping and gnashing of teeth.'

(A/N : its not even a rap tho lol)

Poems I Wrote At 4 AMKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat