Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

                 I stayed home a few more days, catching up on all my homework. Let me tell you, it was work. I felt like throwing the books across the room, almost every day. Math was complete torture. I felt like screaming, again and again. Damen and Alexis helped me when they could, but I really just wanted it to be over. 

           Finally, after about a week and a half of homework, I was caught up. Damen, Alexis, and I planned it that Damen would pick me up to take me to school, and Alexis would meet up with us when we get there. I woke up very early for my first day back, 

took a long hot shower, and stared at myself in the mirror. My leg has a cast on it, up to the thigh. My chest looked almost the same, except for the small shrively spots. 

              My stomach.. oh my stomach. A chunk of my skin is off on the left side. It’s pink and wrinkly. If I were to twist around, it might rip. I took a deep breath, and almost fell over. I took a few steps, then fell over because I had nothing to hold myself up with. My leg twisted around in a way that was excruciating. “Mom ” I screeched. If I don’t get off my leg soon, it’s going to be a disaster, and then I’ll have to wait longer for it to heal. “Mom! Carlie!” 

               Both of them burst into the room. Mom took one look at me and put their hands under my armpits, pulling me up. She sat me on my bed, fretting over me. “Mom,” I said trying to get her attention. “Mom ” I called again. She looked up. I covered myself. “Can I have underwear and a bra?” I asked. “Yeah, yeah,” she said, examining my leg. Carlie went through my drawers and picked out the ‘sexiest’ things she could find. Meaning, a black lacy thong and a matching bra with pink fabric. I groaned, but pulled them on, nonetheless. What can I do? Sit here naked?

                “Honey, are you okay?” Mom asked. I glanced over at Carlie. She was rummaging around in my closet, probably trying to find my most revealing clothes. I sat uncomfortably on my bed, trying not to move my leg too much. Mom finally deemed my leg okay enough for me to go to school. “Hun, stand up,” she said. I got up shakily, leaning on my right leg. She smiled slightly. “Good,” she said. “Now hurry, or you’ll be late.” I sighed, plopping back down on my bed.

                   A second later, Carlie threw a pile of clothes next to my head. “Put that on, or I’ll tell Damen and Alexis about third grade,” she said. I narrowed my eyes. “You wouldn’t,” I challenged. She smirked. “I would,” she said. “Now, dress.”

                 I looked at the clothes she had set out for me. A barely-there skirt, and a tube top. I looked up at her. “Where the heck did you get this?” She shrugged. “My closet,” she said. “Now, get dressed, or I will force you in it. Want to impress Damen, don’t we?” I blushed and she smirked. I slipped into the clothes and started pulling my hair into a ponytail. She slapped my hands away. “No ” she said. “Leave it down. Then, when you kiss, Damen can run his fingers through it easier.” I scowled, blushing. “We won’t kiss,” I said quietly. 

                 She laughed. “Are you kidding me?” she said. “He’s so into you it’s not even funny.” I turned away, swiping mascara on my eyelashes. What? My face has to fit the outfit. I ran a comb through my wet hair, getting the tangles out. I turned around to face my sister. “Good?” She tugged up on my skirt and shirt a little, making sure my bellybutton was showing. You could almost see my scar. “Car,” I said uneasily. “You can almost see my scar.” She glanced at my stomach. 

               She pulled me into a tight hug. “I’m sorry, Isabella,” she said. She gave me a watery smile. “I’m so sorry you got hurt.” I gave her a small smile back. “It’s okay, Carlie,” I said. “It wasn’t your fault.” She stepped back, pinching her eyelashes, making sure not to mess up her makeup. “Well,” she said. “Time to get to school.” 

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