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I'm no virgin. I get around. I never cared. usually I "assisted" virgins in being non-virgins any longer. but this year, I changed. I was no longer getting around and was keeping my legs closed. now I was in a real relationship, and yes he is a virgin. actually never been kissed, never dated, never had sex. it was definitely a first for us both, or I thought it would be.

after a month this suddenly changed with him. he was more clingy, more handsy, and then at our prom he kissed me during a slow dance. now it was the night after his grad party, I was trying to sleep on his couch. my nerves were wild. he had actually put his hand on my butt and kissed me in front of his friends, and referred to me as his girl.

suddenly I heard the floor creak and was shocked wen I turned and saw him standing a foot away, his arm out stretched to me, beckoning me to follow. I anxiously accepted as our fingers intertwined and I saw the hints of a smile on his face.

as he led me upstairs I felt my stomach knot up. I'm not allowed on the second floor, or at least never dared inquire. he brought me to his room and led me to his room through the dark. I felt his hands guide me onto his bed and adjust the blankets. I snuggle towards the wall and soon I feel his presence on the bed next to me, his warmth enveloping me. his hands slide onto my back and pull me close and kiss me. not like before, not a small little kiss, but a hot passionate kiss that makes you melt.

when he pulled away I caught a glimpse of his face. the blushing cheeks, his friendly eyes, suspicious smile. I knew what was coming next. he kissed me again but not before trying to get my shirt off on his own. I giggled and he stopped, I removed it then kissed him back, reminding him its all ok. he kisses me back. soon he is fumbling with everything else, but he struggled, so I assisted, even with his own clothes since he was shaking so bad. he looks anxious but I kiss him and assure him Its all ok. he says he is ready. and next thing I know we r hushing each other as we go at it hot and heavy with his brother sleeping in the next room over. after multiple rounds, each better than the last, we finally agree to go to sleep, and we do just like that in each others arms.

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