Chapter 2: Contract

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For whatever reason, I couldn't stop laughing. I bent over from the sheer force of the tremors racking my body. Tears ran down my face and my voice ranged from  tehees to ho's and ha's. "Heir? Haaha! To what?! Bwahahaa!" I dropped to the ground and rolled around, unable to contain myself. The situation was way too absurd for me; my sanity must be slipping.  Lux stood looking down at me in incredulous shock at my uncalled for reaction.

"May I ask what is so funny, Miss Nutmeg?" He called over my squeals. His address to my name caused another bout of laughter to overtake me.

"M-miss?! Miss Nutmeg!? You've got to be kidding me! Hehehehehee!" My stomach clenched painfully from the laughing attack. I gasped for air and clutched at my stomach. Slowly, I calmed down and struggled into a sitting position with my legs crossed and arms supporting my weight from behind. I glanced up at Lux, who had patiently, if not irritably, waited for my rude outburst to cease. He looked deep into my eyes; his were an astonishing green, almost emerald but somewhat lighter. There were gold flecks in the irises as well to match his hand.

"Are you done with the joke I seem to have missed?" He started in a disgruntled tone. Obviously, he was annoyed. "If so, may I ask for the last time to finalize our contract of which I have asked for the fourth time now?" Ugh. That again. I almost forgot. He tapped his foot as he held out his hand to me. "Come on, get up. It's unladylike for you to be sitting on the ground in that manner." I growled at his insolence. Unladylike!? Who the hell does he think he is? 

"I'm the 42nd heir to the throne of Lapis, thank you very much." Indignation at his mind reading ability made me swat his hand away and leap up on my own. I stood right up to his face to deliver a hurtful speech on his character and glared into his mesmerizing eyes. Green beauties, staring right back at me. My stinging words melted right off my tongue as I beheld the glory. I vaguely sensed that I was being enchanted but I casually waved off the warning. I couldn't look away. I want to touch them. So....pretty. My hands raised towards them and I stepped even closer to Lux's body. I could feel the warmth emanating off of him and I longed to embrace him. Just before I touched his face, he broke eye contact with me. The enchantment he held over me faded instantly and I jerked away from him, hugging myself.

"Ewwww. Ew ew ew eeeeww. Oh my god, what the hell?! I wanted to....aaargh!!" I grabbed my head and bashed it against a nearby tree. It smarted, but I relished the pain rather than the disgusting feeling still lingering on my mind. I purposefully did not look at Lux to show him my thorough revulsion to him. In response, he laughed. 

It began as a low chuckle, but climbed to a throaty roar that startled the birds in the trees. I stood shamefaced, staring intently at the ground as his laughter and my humiliation ran its course. After a couple minutes, he quieted and stood still. "I'm sorry. I just had to return the favor of complete humiliation." He said in a light-hearted voice.

"Thanks so much."

"You're very welcome."  We stood there in peace for about 30 seconds before I remembered my situation. I could barely see through the dark anymore and I was suddenly tired.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I laughed at you before, but today has been very hectic." I began, hoping he wouldn't interrupt. "I don't want to come across as mean or anything so I'm going to ask you nicely. Could we please continue this tomorrow? I'm totally whipped and I can barely see anything." I stopped and politely waited for his response. He was silent so I figured he was contemplating it. "I promise I will think about it tonight and give you my answer tomorrow, okay? First thing in the morning. I swear upon my honor as here." I went over to where my pack had fallen and picked it up. I brought it over to Lux and held it out. "Keep this tonight to make sure I keep my promise." He still made no move to speak or grab my pack, which frustrated me. Ugh! "Damn it, just take it!" I tried to shove it on him but he brushed me away and grabbed my arm.

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