Sp00nerism Halloween One-Shot

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Sp00n was in his old horsemask for Halloween. I was the butt of the horse. Not, literally. We were both being one big horse for the Holiday.

"I swear, Nick, if you fart..." I sighed.

"I won't babe, I promise." Sp00n said, getting into the front end of the costume while I got into the back. He was to be my eyes and ears in this. I know I'm going to get hurt at some point tonight.

We trotted around the neighborhood, being our retarded selves. Eventually, Nick stopped, so I rammed into him.

"Oof," I muttered. "Why'd you stop?"

"I wanna turn around and go home," He said.

"Why?" I asked, slightly wanting to do the same.

"We can watch scary movies and play scary games." He turned around, making me turn with him. We trotted back home where we watched Saw 1-3, Smiley, Carrie (The classic), and many more scary movies. We also played Amnesia.

"Now what?" I asked boredly and slightly frightened.

"Want to go get some candy from the store and eat that for the rest of the night?" Nick asked. I nodded my head and pecked his lips.

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