Chapter 9

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Laura's POV

Before I could say another word, Ross yelled up at me with a big grin on his face,


"You're crazy!!" I shouted down at him, "What are you doing here?" I said with curiosity.

"Oh! Well I thought we could grab some breakfast on the way to set!...Are you ready to go?"

*chuckles* "Does it LOOK like I'm ready to go?"

He scanned me and realized I was still in my pajamas.  

"Oh...I guess I should've called you first huh? Whoops, sorry Laura, it was a spontaneous idea I had! Now come on! I don't want us to be late!"

"I kind of had to get ready anyways! But I'll be down there as fast as I can!"

He nooded and I came out 5 minutes later a bit frazzled cause of how fast I pushed myself to get ready. Ross stood against the front of his car and was playing with his phone when I came out. He looked up and smiled at me and quickly opened the passenger door after a quick hug hello. After he got in the drivers seat he started the car and we quickly drove off. 

We both made a decision to just go through a drive through since we were in a bit of a rush for time. After we ordered our food we made small talk about the weather, a tour his band was planning, and the overload of pancakes he decided to order. Oh Ross...We decided to park in a parking lot a few minutes away from set so we wouldn't have to rush eating our food.

He was in a really good mood and his energy level went from high to nearly bouncing off the walls. As he was shoving down his breakfast I let out a laugh while shaking my head. I couldn't help it. 

He finally managed to swallow his food, "What are you laughing about? Am I just naturally funny to you? That wasn't even a Laura joke!" He let out a small laugh too.

Still laughing I say, "Ah Ross! It's just that your energy level is sky high and it's really funny the way you eat and act when you're hyper!" 

He sort of looked at me and chuckled, "I'm only acting like this because I was just excited to be with you! It's nice to be spontaneous for a change you know?" 

He smiled and waited for me to answer, "Aw that, that's really sweet of you Ross. It's nice to be spontaneous sometimes! At first I was a little mad cause I thought someone was trying to break into my room but I realized how sweet it was, the pebbles and all. I'm actually glad you didn't call. Your way of waking me up was WAY better." I smiled and he grinned at me with gratitude. 

"Well I guess I'll take that as a compliment Miss Marano." He replied in his best Brittish accent.

I was about to respond when an alarm went off of my phone, "Last day of rehearsals!! :D" and the clock read "7:55" I looked up at Ross, "Oh no...we have to be on set in 5. But hey, thank you SO much for the breakfast!" I gave him a hug and he returned it and held onto me for an extra 5 seconds. 

Ross's POV

I gave Laura an extra long hug cause it just felt nice. I hope she didn't notice. She smelled nice. She looked nice. Everything about her was nice. 

We pulled away and was about to get out of the car when I said, "Wait! Laura!" she turned around waiting. "Do you- do you trust me? You know, about the kiss? I know it's random but I don't want you worrying or stressing out. I just need to make sure I didn't make things worse yesterday..." I sort of trailed off, waiting for Laura to say something. 

I could tell she was thinking of the right words to say. She gave me a quick smile. Her response was quick and simple, "Yes Ross, I trust you." With that said, she opened up the door, gave me a quick smile, and walked towards the set. 

You could say I was relieved. I was, yet I was also hopeful for the future.

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