Chapter 16

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Ross's POV

The weekend went by faster than I imagined it to be. The venues we played at were awesome! Some of the places were actually sold out and as usual, our concerts began with the VIP meet and greets along with questions and soundcheck.

At one of our last concerts during the Q&A sessions, my sister Rydel chose a girl who was totally decked out in R5 apparel and definitely had the most energy.

~*.~*. Flashback ~*.~*.

Rydel: "Ok! Next question! This one can be for any of us!"

Fangirl: *Raises hand excitedly while jumping up and down* "Ooo!! Please pick me! Rydel, please...PICK ME!!"

Rydel: *A bit overwhelmed* "Oh, um YOU! The really cra-, excited girl over there."

*Points in her direction*

Fangirl: *Smiles towards Ross* "OMG yay! Ok, so I wanna ask Ross a question!"

Ross: "Yeah, what's up?"

Fangirl: "Ok! Cool! So I was wondering...when are you going to make Raura happen for us fans?" *Smiles hesitantly*

*Everyone stares at him smiling*

Ross: *Caught off guard but fully aware of their 'ship' name* "Oh, well uh, I don't know. I mean, I'm not sure if thats gonna happen or not. So, yeah. We're kind of busy with our own things right question!"

~*.~*. End of Flashback ~*.~*.

I haven't had a "Raura" question in a while but that's the usual answer I would give. But this time when it was asked, my stomach felt different and I noticed I also blushed when I answered. Strange.

But in a way it's not strange. I was thinking about Laura lately after the whole "bro talk" with Riker. I was even thinking about her when I was singing on stage. Only one song in particular made me think about her lately: "If I Can't Be With You".

On many interviews I was asked what my favorite song off of "Louder" was. That was always the song I chose because lyrically I could relate to it.

*Hums lyrics inside his head*

All of this stuff sucks.

Yeah all of this sucks

If I can't be with you and

No Oscar, no Grammy, no mansion in Miami

The sun don't shine, the sky ain't blue

If I can't be with you...

Those lyrics were so true. I mean, before Austin and Ally, sure I had my family and the band to lean on but when I started working with Laura she just became apart of my life. She became a light in my life that I just couldn't live without.

Whenever I sang that song on stage I just imagine singing it to Laura. I'd give up the world for that girl if she'd let me.

In case you were wondering, I'm still trying to figure out ideas to get Laura to trust me more, break down those walls. I was thinking we could go ice skating together, or something where she would HAVE to naturally trust me. I'm sure I'll think of something soon!

*Monday morning*

My flight back to Los Angeles landed first thing in the morning. I actually had a pretty nice sleep considering it was on a plane. But I will admit I am a little jet lagged but that's ok. I'll just be tired for today.

The rest of my family got off the plane and scurried around to find their luggage while I was sort of in a hurry to get on time to set. I started pacing back and forth.

I saw Riker pop his head up and saw I had a worried look on my face. That only happens when I get nervous. Riker turned his head and shouted over the others.

"Ross! Dude, when do you need to be on set?"

I looked down at my watch. Oh shoot! "I-I need you or someone to take me like, now! I'm barely going to make it dude!"

His eyes got a little bigger as he grabbed both of our bags and rushed out the door with me, hurrying to the car. "Guys I'll be back in a half hour! I'm taking Ross to set!"

Everybody nodded and shouted their goodbyes. Riker and I quickly got in the car and zoomed out of the parking lot. We decided the quickest way to get to set was by taking the freeway which actually cuts the time in half!

As Riker was driving I managed to slow down the beat of my heart, finally able to breathe right.

Riker concentrated on the road but started to speak. "Hey, I don't mean to get you all worked up again but you're getting ready to see your 'dream girl' and you do NOT look as presentable as you could be."

He glanced over at me and I responded, and now my heart started beating faster than it should be. "Really Riker?! NOW you tell me!? We're already more than halfway there dude!" I raised my voice a little louder than I usually do.

His face looked partly disgusted and shocked."Don't you get all mad at me! At least I told you! And it's not my fault you were sleeping on the plane or I would've told you then! Gosh!"

As he was speaking I was combing my hair and concentrating mostly on my face. I also smoothed out my clothes and put some cologne on so I could smell nice. Perfect.

I finally responded, almost sounding exhausted,"Well you could've woke me up dude. *sigh* But I'm all good now ok? Sorry for getting upset bro, I just care about being my best for Laura."

I could see out of the corner of my eye a smile appear on his face. That made me smile too.

"It's ok buddy. I know you care about her a lot and I just want to be here to help you if you need me. That's what big brothers are for!"

I glanced at him as he was still driving,"Thanks Riker. I can always count on you! And yeah, I care about her a lot. Even as more-than-friends. She's not easy but shes definitely a princess worth fighting for."

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