Chapter 57 - Vulnerable

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The cops entered the house and took Katie's dad away.

"Was anything stolen, Mr. Styles?" an officer asked.

"I don't think so," I said.

"Well, you have a good rest of your night."

Then they hauled Mr. Daniels away as the boys and Katie's brothers entered the house.

"What happened, Harry?" Liam asked.

"From what Katie told me on the phone, someone had broken in. That someone was her father. I'm not exactly sure what happened to Katie, but she was unconscious in Louis' arms."

Then the only thing I could think of was Katie. I ran to find Louis and Katie. They weren't in any of the bedrooms, so I checked the bathroom. And there they were sitting on the bathroom floor. Louis was holding Katie in his arms. That's when I noticed he was shirtless and Katie was in his shirt. What was going on while I was at the movies?

Katie's POV:

I opened my eyes and felt pain attack my face. Then I saw Louis and Harry's faces. Where was I?

"Harry?" I asked as I reached out for him.

"I'm here, Katie. It's alright," he said as he grabbed me.

"Louis, what happened?"

"Your dad slapped you," Louis said.

"But you won't have to worry about him, babe. He's going to jail for breaking and entering," Harry said.

My dad was finally going to jail. I was super happy but then I felt Harry's arms tense up around me.

"So, Louis. What were you and Katie doing while we were gone?" Harry asked.

Oh crap. I totally forgot I was wearing Louis' shirt and he was shirtless.

"We were just...talking."

"And how is it that you are shirtless and she's in your shirt?"

"We had a water fight in the kitchen."

"Anything else you care to tell me, Louis?"

"I might have kissed her."

"Might have?"

"Harry, please don't get mad," I whispered as I reached for his face.

He looked at me and his eyes pierced into me.

"Don't get mad? Katie, how can I not get mad? Louis kissed you...again. I forgave him for the first time it happened, but I'm not sure I can this time."

"Mate, please don't take it out on her," Louis said.

"You always fall in love with the girls I like."

What did Harry just say?

"That's not true, Hazza and you know that!"

"I bet you told her that you liked her way before I did, didn't you, Lou?"

Did I really fall for Louis' charms all because he said he liked me?

"Why does that matter? She likes me too."

Why did he have to say that?

"Is it true, Katie?" Harry asked.

"I'm not sure. I'm so frazzled from my dad breaking in. How are my brothers?" I asked trying to sit up but Harry wouldn't let me.

"Your brothers are fine, Katie. Just tell me, did Louis tell you that he like you way before I did?"

I looked from Harry to Louis to Harry again.

"He did, Harry." "How could you Louis?! You know she can be vulnerable at times."

Did he just call me vulnerable? I don't think I like where this fight/conversation is going.

"Vulnerable? I think the right word is crazy. Have you seen the marks on her arms?" Louis asked.

Harry looked down at me and pulled back the sleeves. His eyes widened and then filled with tears.


Oh no you DID NOT just call her crazy, Louis.

You don't call girls crazy...

And Harry knows about Katie's scars now....

What do you think he'll do?


-Ari Horan-

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