A Spot to Remember

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A small breeze nudged my hair across my face, which was soon too irritating to leave alone. I sighed and propped myself up in bed, and looked over at Scott, my husband.

It still feels wierd, after being with him for so long, waking up next to him every day. Even now, I still sometimes think this whole thing has been some kind of dream, and that I will wake up next to Sam.

I got out of bed, making sure I was quiet so Scott could continue sleeping. When I got to the door, I turned, and a small smirk formed on my face when I saw him asleep. Sleeping is really not a good look with Scott.

I slowly opened the door, and closed it behind me. It made a small creak, and I cringed when the sound escaped into the house. My feet padded along the cold wooden floor, as I reached the girls room.

Marianne and Ashley were both wrapped up in a blanket on Marriane's bed. Ashley had gotten into the habit of sleeping with her older sister recently, but it all seemed good, as Marianne seemed to enjoy it.

I crept towards them, and pulled the blanket over them, which had been stuck at their waists. I smiled in satisfaction, and went downstairs to the kitchen. The room was my favourite out of the house, despite my lack of enthusiasm for cooking. This was probably because Hugh had designed it himself.

I turned the Kettle on and got a cup out, and sat down on a stool at the table. When the kettle went of, I got up to move, but found I was locked in place. I looked down and smiled when I saw two arms I could recognise anywhere snaked around my waist.

"Morning Em" he gave me a tired smile and yawned "Why didn't you wake me up?"

I poked his cheek and he smirked at me, " because no one wants to mess with the beast that is you when your sleeping."

Scott pouted at me as I went to pour the boiled water in my mug. "I want a coffee too!"

I laughed and got a second mug out of the cupboard. "Why are you up so early anyway?"

I turned around with the coffees to see Scott giving me a mischievous grin. That's when I noticed he was already dressed. His hair was brushed and he was wearing one of his favourite outfits, a pair of black jeans and a gray jumper.

Scott kissed my cheek and took one of the coffee out of my hand. "I have plans today."

I tilted my head and frowned slightly, "What are you doing? I can't remember anything about plans, did you tell me already and I've forgotten?"

Scott put a cheesy confused look on his face, "I thought I told you."

I rolled my eyes at Scott, and he winked at me, "But seriously, I have plans."

I looked up at his smiling, "With who? What are you gonna do?"

Scott leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips, "We're going to the Aquarium."

My eyes widened and I looked up at him in shock, "What? Really? How? We can't just leave the girls on their own."

Scott squeezed my shoulder, "It's already covered. Kate and Mark are going to look after them got the day. I've been planning this for ages so they already knew."

My eyes lit up and I pulled Scott into a hug, "I love you!"

Scott's eyes widened," I love you too Em, but be careful, you're still holding the coffee!"

I jumped back, spilling coffee on the floor, "Sorry!"


I smiled as we walked around the aquarium, out hands entwined in each other's. The aquarium was a dark building, but the deep blue lights created from the water and tanks made the place beautiful.

Not many couples seemed to notice who we were, which was refreshing. I had become used to the attention that I was expected to have from being with Scott, but times like this, I felt 100% normal today. And it was a good change.

Scott pulled my towards a empty corridor, and I laughed at his persistence, "Where are we going? This isn't the tour area anymore. Have you got us lost Scott?"

Scott smirked and tightened the grip on my hand, "I could never get lost here."

We continued walking, and soon ended up in a wide open planned room, with a beautiful table with a meal set up onto it.

I gasped and turned to face Scott, "You didn't."

Scott smirked yet again, "I did."

Scott took me towards the table, and sat me down facing him. I looked up at the sources of light in the room, which were all tanks surrounding us, filled with numerous kinds of fish in all different types of species.

I turned back to face Scott, "It's beautiful."

Scott smiled back at me in return, "It's know, this use to be my special spot."

I tilted my head to the side slightly, "special spot?"

Scott gave me a sad smile but continued, "My Mother used to take me and Mark here whenever we had the time. We were all fascinated with sea life, and came to love this room here, which we decided would be our secret spot. We came here for years, up until the day before she killed herself."

My eyes widened and I looked at the ground, "Scott, you didn't need to take me here, this place must have been special to you guys, I don't want to intrude."

He looked up and smiled at me, "I'm glad your here, and I know my mother would be if she ever had the delight to meet you, Em. This is a place and memory that I want to live on, and share with you."

I felt tears streaming down my face, and Scott reached out to me, one hand wiping away the tears, and the other one grasping my hand.

Scott gently squeezed my hand, "Come with me Em, I want to show you something."

I nodded, and followed as he showed me towards a tank in the corner of the room. He stopped when we reached it, and placed a hand on the glass. My eyes focused when I saw writing written I to one of the rocks, and widened.

Scott pulled me into a hug from behind, and I could hear his voice shaking slightly when he spoke next, "Mother, meet Emily. Emily, here is my Mum."

I smiled and placed my hand on Scott's hand which was on the glass. I felt a single tear stream down my cheek, but let it stay there, "Hey, Mum."

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