Alternate Epilogue

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Written by @CupQuakexD (This is on her profile with a bunch of media, too! Check it out!)



I woke up to the sound of alarm. Finally today is the day I have been waiting for all my life. Even the alarm didn't annoyed me today. It is indeed a beautiful day with clear skies and birds chirping around. A beautiful day in June.

Today I'm getting married to my prince charming- Scott. I didn't knew what I was missing until I met him. Suddenly my phone started to ring and I had a real goofy grin when I saw the name- Scott my love. I feel so happy it feels as if I'm exploding inside or something like that. I can't explain it.

"Good morning beautiful." He said on the other side of line.

"Good Morning my love." I said with a huge smile.

"So how are your preparations going Princess Emily?,''

''They're going amazing. I'll speak to you later. I have to see how preparations are going for mom.''

''Bye love.''

''Bye Scott.''

Today is going to be a hectic day.


''How much time is it remaining. I don't have a full day.'' I said to the royal makeup artist and hairstylist- Lawrence.

''Oh sweetheart, only a few touches and then you'll be prepared for your big day. I promise Scott won't be able to take his eyes off you.''

I smiled at the thought. God, I love Scott so much.

''Can you please ask Juan how much time remaining for mom,?'' I asked him.

''She's done. Look she's here.''


''Mom you look so freaking gorgeous. Oh Lord.''

She blushed at my compliment. Today was her big day. She was getting married to Scott's bodyguard, Sean.

"And you're done. Oh sweetie, you look so amazing" Lawrence told clapping his hands.

I glanced at the reflection in the mirror. I was indeed looking really beautiful. Royal.

"Sweetie, I forgot jewelry. I'm so sorry. Sit please." And I sat on the same chair I was sitting before.

Lawrence made me wear jewelry Scott had sent him. A beautiful pearl necklace from Tiffany's. God, it was breathtaking. Other accessories were diamond-pearl earrings and a very beautiful diamond bracelet. My dress was a very beautiful. I looked stunning in it. It was one with a sweetheart neckline and showed all of my curves.

"And finally babe, time for this." Lawrence said, placing the wedding crown that belonged to the late Princess Marianne, Scott's mother. The queen didn't accept me as Scott's fiance or a part of Royal family at first but then one day she visited our home and met my mom and told us that her mother had to struggle as her father's mother never accepted her mother. She saw her mother beaten by her grandmother, and left behind. Never given importance. Even though her mother had the love of her husband at first, it started to fade. As her grandmother kept telling things which her untrue about her mother. Her father was an army man, and he was rarely home. One day, her grandmother accused her mother of being in a sexual relationship with a man, and that's when her husband shouted at her and got furious at her and forced her to leave the home. That's when her mother couldn't bear anymore. She decided to end her life- by drinking some sort of industrial poison. The Queen was then raised by the girl her grandmother had chosen for her father, but thankfully she was really nice. And when she grew up, she went on a scholarship to one of England's biggest universities and met Louis, the Prince Of England , and they fell in love and decided to get married. That's how she became the princess. And now Queen. She even said sorry to me, for being rude and never understanding. I guess every person has a side they never show each other. Then, to my surprise, she took the crown from Elaine, and gave it to me, for my wedding. The crown added the beauty in my looks, and I looked perfectly, a princess.

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