The Day It Began

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It was the beginning of the summer holidays for 14 year old Adelaide Lochly, when she found the stained envelope waiting on the mat inside her small, city house. It looked like it had been written years ago judging by the parchment it was written on. Her name was written in a beautiful slanted font on the front of the envelope and it had a red emblem stamped onto the back. As she lent down to pick it up her hazel hair fell over her eyes and obscured the view of where the return address should have been on the back as she looked over the letter she notices the emblem resembled that of a badge split into four sections. Adelaide opened took the letter into her kitchen and began to read it as she found the milk and tea bags. It read:


Headmistress : Minerva McGonagall

Dear Miss Lochly,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July. For you Miss Lochly, I offer my most sincere apologies as somehow this letter has not found you for a number of years, however you shall join your age group in September and we shall sort you then along with the first years. We ask that you read the "Harry Potter" books before September to give you some prior knowledge of the wizarding  world.

Yours Scincerely

Neville Longbottom

Head of herbology and deaputyhead of Hogwarts

Adelaide nearly dropped her milk. HOGWARTS. Every kids dream school and she had just got a letter from them.

(I don't really know what I'm doing in this fanfic it'll end up being about a Slytherin girl at hogwarts so yeah. This story will pick up next chapter in September when Adelaide is on her way to hogwarts)

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