Family Roots - Reaping Day

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Thwack. Thwack. Thwack. The dull thuds of my axe breaking up the tree comforted me as groups of peacekeepers watched the lot of cripples.

No one, save for the victors, got a break in District 7, even those of us that could no longer fully use our bodies. There were women with broken legs that never healed properly, men with mangled hands that were victims of wood cutting accidents, and then there was me with a near useless right arm. My accident wasn't as glorious, it was the result of my own clumsiness as I attempted to climb out of a tree; key word attempted.

On the way down, a branch that had earlier supported my weight was weakened by another logger. Needless to say both the branch and I plummeted ten feet to the earthy ground below. My fall was broken by the branch, and my arm split open.

Time went on as I was given stitches and told to rest; this being district seven though, I was put right back to work with the cripples and eight months later, I was still here. I was forced to become ambidextrous as my right arm was not much use to me anymore, well it was functional, just not axe-wielding potential. The only perk was that we hardly had to move as our only job was to break up the larger trunks into smaller pieces suitable for firewood and paper.

"Alright 11 o'clock, everybody in. Stop at the front for your paychecks and watch the reaping this afternoon." The voice of the head peacekeeper sounded through a scratchy intercom. I put down my smaller, one-handed, wood chopping machine and joined the quickly growing line of people, all wounded in some way, all still working to feed their families.

"Next." My turn in line had finally arrived. I handed over my paystub and the peacekeeper looked at it for a moment. "Lexyon Perti. 5 dollars."

"Five dollars! That's less than last week and I worked more hours."

"If you don't like it I can always keep the money. Plus you've got tesserae if you really need the food." A devilish smirk emerged as he withheld my meager salary. Five bucks is five bucks though, and better than nothing.

"I will take it. Thank you kind sir." I tried not to vomit the words and rushed away from the site. My legs continued to run as I reached home and burst in the door, quickly slamming it behind me.

"Who slammed the door, my god do you know how many times I've had to fix it?!" A strong, deep voice called from somewhere deep in the house.

"It was me, I am sorry dad!" I shout back, walking around the cramped space in hopes of finding him. "Where are you?"

"In Darim's room." Came his response. I sigh and continue on my way, pushing the wood door, which belonged to my younger brother, open. Once the door was open I danced my way across the room, avoiding clothes and toys as well as an overturned chair.

"Did peacekeepers storm the place?" I ask as I hand my father the money I had worked too hard for. He shook his head in disapproval and turned most of his attention to Darim. For thirteen, he acted as if he were three.

"So what did you do this time?"

"I didn't do anything dad! You know we get paid less than the loggers."

"That doesn't explain only five dollars, Lex."

I thought about my next words before confessing, "You know what I think. I think they are purposefully paying me less because they know I'm still eligible for reapings and they want me to take out tesserae." My rant would have gone on longer but I had found an unlucky pillow and buried my face in it.

"You are way too wound up about this. Simply do what I do, and punch the peacekeeper right in the mouth!" Darim chimed up.

"Is that why your room is a wreck." My muffled voice strained. Father gave a confirmation and dragged me out of my pillow.

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