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41) Interviewer: "What was the first MCR show like?"
Frank: "They were drunk. Everyone was really nervous and so we all went out to the Pencey van and drank."
Mikey: "I drank seven beers in five minutes. I was so petrified."
Frank: "When they finally got onstage it was like watching a hurricane. The place went crazy. Ray and Gerard were kicking each other, it was awesome. You just knew something important was happening. From the first note they played, they were my favorite band."

42) Gerard: "The first time I wore make-up was creepy. You wanna hear it?"
Frank: "Mine's creepy too."
Ray: "I guarantee that it's you home alone."
Gerard: "Yeah! Haha! I found some of my mom's lipstick. And the creepy thing was though, I was like 16 or 17, probably about the time I got dumped for the first time..."
Ray: "You should've known it wasn't right."
Gerard: "It wasn't right! I put on some lipstick and checked it out in the mirror, and it definitely reminded me of Rocky Horror, and I was definitely into it."
Frank: "Wow."
Gerard: "Then came the clothes, you know?"

43) Interviewer: "What was your first Romance like?"
Gerard: "This shaped me and brutalized me for a good four years... uh, my first Romance, I met this girl called Barbra, and I was like this fat kid and she was this cute chick. She was into really cool stuff, like she knew about all these really cool bands I had never heard of..."
Frank: "Woah.."
Gerard: "She was just really rad, and I totally fell in love with her. And then... she went on vacation in Greece.. and uh... because of that, she had to dump me. She wanted to have fun while she was over there.
Frank: [laughs] "Hussy!"
Mikey: "You gotta have fun while you're in Greece, man!"
Gerard: "It was brutal!"

44) Interviewer: "Do you guys wanna be goth?"
Gerard: "Um.. No, No we don't..."
Ray: "We just wanna be dark."
Frank: "We have been called fags though."
Gerard: "Yes."
Mikey: "Speak for yourself, Gee."
Frank: "Just because you don't hear it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen."

45) Interviewer: "If you could be anyone else from MCR for a day, who would you pick and why?"
Frank, Gerard, and Ray: "Mikey Way."
Mikey: "Cool! Can I be everyone else for an hour each?"
Frank: "Imagine how awesome it would be to be Mikey Way. You wouldn't have a care in the world. It would be fucking great."
Ray: "He knows how to live. There are always good vibes around Mikey, he's never negative."
Gerard: "And everybody loves him. There are no polarizing opinions about Mikey."
Mikey: "Aw! The feeling's mutual guys!"

46) Interviewer: "Ray, do you ever get people who just want to touch your hair?"
Ray: "Yes, and it's weird."
Gerard: "They approach, hand out, going 'Can I just...' And before they even get to the end of the question, they're already doing it.
Ray: "I don't get it at all. I'm not sure I can see the excitement in touching my hair."
Gerard: "Your hair is part of your mojo, man!"

47) Gerard: "Mikey, what would you like to say to the city of London?"
Mikey: "Do you guys think I look like Darth Vader in this jacket? 'Cause I seriously think I do."
Gerard: "Does he... what the fuck does he even talk about? I have no idea what he says half the time."

48) Interviewer: "If you were in a horror movie, which one of you is most likely to survive until the end?"
Mikey: "I'd be dead first. I've run through this scenario in my head before and I know I'd get it immediately. I wouldn't even have the chance to protect someone by giving up my life for them, I'd be gone too fast for that!"
Ray: "Frank would survive the longest. He's scrappy."
Gerard: "You say that, but I think he'd do something like Vasquez in 'Aliens' And let all the monsters eat him so that he could pull a grenade on them and laugh. I think Mikey would live longest-he's the guy everyone would want to see survive."

49) Gerard: "I found this store, [In the UK] called Selfridges. I had never been to it before. I lost my Goddamn mind in there.
Ray: "He was wandering around going, 'What the fuck were you thinking bringing me in here?' He was buying quite a lot..."
Gerard: "I actually can't fucking say how much I spent. It would be embarrassing! People would think I'm a dick. They'd go, 'This guy's a fucking sellout!' That's how much I spent."

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