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I stood at the top of the school.

The ground was a broken spine away.

I remembered the comics my dad used to read to me. The men would fly, and the women would burn.

I remembered the magician my mother showed me. He floated above buildings, and made bunnies come from hats.

I remembered the birds my sister and I looked at. They flew with their mommies, with no restrictions.

I remembered the life I had, where fate took you past the clouds, and nothing could hurt me.

But that was before the fire.

My dad died, my mother died, my sister died, and I was sent to an orphanage.

If I jumped, maybe I could see them again.

My family was just a leap away from me.

I put my foot in front of me when-


I turned around to see my only friend.

Tears were falling from his eyes, and his cheeks were red.

"You can't jump," he whimpered.

I looked him in the eyes, and knew that I mattered to him.

I stepped down from the ledge, and he let out a breath.

He gripped my wrist and started to walk to the door, but I didn't move.

"Do you think I would fly?" I asked. "If I jumped, do you think God would give me wings? Maybe I could soar through clouds!  Maybe I'll meet birds!  Maybe I would go where no man has gone before!"

He looked at me funny, then saw I was not joking.

"Amy," he whispered. "People don't fly."

"Well how do you know?" I screeched. "All you do is sit here and never think of the possibilities! You don't know anything!"

I tore my arm away from him.

He reached for me.

I stepped back.

I fell down.

God doesn't give little girls wings.

That was my last thought as my eyes closed, never to open again.

318 words

Hey guys! It would be great if you guys could give me feedback. I am going to re-write Dreams, it will probably be out by Monday (Philippines time). If you didn't notice, I changed most of the titles of my short stories.

Vote, Comment, and possibly read my other stories!

~squinkarina (I changed my username, but will still be going by squinkarina)

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