Chapter 1: Grammy Awards

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Dylan's POV

"GET UP YOU SHITHEAD!" Tyler yells at me while jumping on my bed.

"Okay, Okay." I reply wanting to sleep again.

Today is the day of the Grammy Awards and the whole Teen Wolf cast is going to attend. I really don't feel like going today but I must.

I get up and have a shower. The hot water falls on my face and I shampoo my hair. Get out and get changed to find my phone ringing. 'Britt Robertson', I act like I never saw my phone, I hate her so much, she is really stuck up and too slutty around me, we aren't a real couple, after filming 'The First Time' our mangers thought it would be good for our look and fame if we 'Date' but she acts like we are together even when nobody is around, she always tries to kiss me but I refuse however in public a can't because press would think something is up.

I walk to the kitchen to find Tyler burning down the house, attempting to cook pancakes.

"OH MY GOD HOW HARD IS IT TO MAKE STUPID PANCAKES!" Tyler screams at the frypans. If there is one thing I can tell you about Tyler, it is that he surely can't cook. I take the pan from his hands and tell him to sit down. I make the pancakes in a fresh pan and grab the Nutella. Tyler walks down the hall and comes back a few minutes later and turns on the TV.

"geez how are you so good at cooking bro? I can't even make toast." Tyler laughs as he stuffs his face with food. "oh and Britt has been ring you all morning so I picked up, and she told me to tell you that she can't make it tonight cause she had a bad spray tan last night and to say that she loves you."

I laugh "Best news I have ever herd, I want her gone I can't stand her anymore."

"Just dump her."

"I will get in deep shit if I do that."

We finish eating then head off to our stylists before the Grammys tonight. 

"Hey sammy how you doing this morning?" I ask before greeting her with a warm hug.

"Excited how bout you Dylan?" she said pulling back from the hug.

"Nervous." I spoke honestly, I can tell Sammy anything, she reminds me of my best friend I had in 5th grade, the nickname I gave her was Ari. I really liked her but never had the confidence to confront her about until the day I left New York to go live in Los Angeles. I told her how I felt about her and she said that she felt the same and I kissed her, I wish I could go back  to that moment, everything was so perfect.

After 3 hours of styling, I was finally ready and so was the rest of the cast, I hopped into my car and told my driver to go to Starbucks and I order a Venti Caramel Latte before returning to my house. One hour later the cast all arrived at my house and we heading to the Grammys in a black limo.

"Jeff told me to tell you that we get to meet a new cast member tonight but after all the performances." Holland said jumping up and down on her seat "I hope it a girl so then we have some more girl power to beat you guys in hide n go seek in the trailers and so we can play real good pranks on you so you better watch your back."  

"Will Jeff be there tonight?" Dylan Sprayberry asked looking around at everyone to see if they were going to answer.

"He said he hill be there but has a meeting so he will be a bit late." Tyler Hoechlin said

"Well that means there is not rules till then." Tyler Posey told him and slapped his back while laughing. "oh crap here come the press" his expression dropped as flashes came all around the car.

"well this is going to be fun." we all laughed as we stepped out of the limo onto the red carpect to immediately be blinded. 

we made our way the the photo area and were all bombarded by questions, Tyler Posey next to me had the same happen to him.

"Dylan were is Britt Tonight?" Who gives a shit It think to myself...

"Dylan are you and Tyler as good friends off set as on set?"Obviously? seriously how dumb are these people...

"Dylan what new cast members are coming to Teen Wolf in Season 6?" I don't even know that...

"Dylan are the rumours true that you and Britt pregnant with twins? " Ew no way I would got neck myself if that was the case and that would never happen...

Smile Dylan, just Smile. I look to find Tyler Posey laughing at me as he had just herd what questions I had just been asked. I playfully punch him in the arm and we wet a couple of photos together and as a cast.

After 30 minutes of photos and questions we head into the hall and find our seat which happen to be in the front row. I smile as I think of ally fans outside that told the press to stop annoying me, I passed through the press and got photos with my fans, they are so kind and dedicated. 

The room started to fill and the lights dimmed, 

"Ladys and Gentalmen, we welcome you to the 59th annual Grammy Awards..."


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