Another random ending:)

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'______' POV

I looked down the emty hall, he still wasn´t here. I was getting overly conserned and started fantasising about what could have gone wrong. We were supposed to meet here at the restaurant over ten minutes ago!

He had called me to come over here so we could meet up. It made me really happy, I hadn´t seen him in the last months because we were both buizzy with alot. I know it  sounds weird, not seeing your boyfriend for so long, but we had to.

A few weeks ago I went by Leorio for a visit, I found out I was pregnant! Hopefully Kurapika will be as exited as I was when I heard it. Leorio told me that i should be carefull because we weren´t exactly at the right age for this, but if we didn´t tell anyone yet, it would be fine.

'WHAAAA´ I yelled, Kurapika had sneaked towards me from behind and made me scared as hell.

'Calm down it´s just me, nothing is going to happen.´ He said calming me down a bit. He kissed me on the cheek. Then he pulled out a bouquet of beautiful flowers from behind his back and gave them to me.

´For you.´ He said and pulled me into a hug. Then suddenly a pain shot through my stomach and I let out a small scream.

´What is wrong?´ He asked and looked at me concerned. I was only at about 5 months so nothing should be wrong yet.

´I have to tell you something important. But please don´t get mad, alright?´ I looked at him.

´Okay´ Was the only reply I got. I was kind of worried about his reaction but decided still to tell him.

´I...... am..... pregnant.´ I almost whispered the last part. But showing the expression on his face, I could see he heared it.

´I...You....I don´t know what to say.´ He said and we sat down at a small table. His face showed a confused and maby a little happyness. We sat there for a while in silence, me not knowing how to act normal.

Kurapika POV

It feels weird, we are together for three years now, but '___' is still young. And so am I.

It was still for like forever, or so it felt. when I decided to speak up.

´I am happy, eventhough it may not look like it righ now. But how did you find out?´ I asked carefully. Trying not to make her feel as if I don´t care or anything of the sort.

´Leorio.´ She was silent for a while. ´I had alot of pain in my stomach over the last couple of weeks and I figured, Leorio is a doctor, why don´t I ask him what is going on. And that is when I found out.´ She said and looked away.

´Why didn´t you tell me sooner!´ I said a little rude but at a concerning tone.

´I... I was.... Afraid....´ She said a little afraid.

´Of what?´ I asked now more gentle. I held her hand firmly, not planning on letting her go.

´That you wouldn´t want me anymore.´ She said soft, but I heard it.

´Why wouldn´t I want you? I love you, heart and soul. I would never leave you, you know that.´ I told her, I leaned in for a kiss. She did too, but the moment our lips touched each other, she pulled back.

´Do you love me?´ She asked.

´Yes, I love you.´ I replied, not sure of what she was aiming for.

´If you really love me, yell it to the world.´ She said. I leaned towards her and whispered

´I love you.´ She looked suprised and confused, just as my face when she told me about the baby.

´Why did you whisper it, i told you...´ I cut her off

´You are my world.´ Then she hugged me and we sat there for a few minutes, or hours. I don´t remember, all I know is, I was happy.....

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