Chapter 6 || My Apprehension

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Mr. Paul took off his glasses and narrowed his eyes at Cameron as if he stepped on his brand-new white shoes.

"Ah, Cameron. We meet again. What seems to be the problem?"

Cameron was abruptly pushed forward by the security guard.
"I found this knucklehead trying to jump off of the cafeteria table. When his buddy tried to take him down he shoved him onto the floor. Then, he fainted and fell of the table and busted his lip. "

"First of all, Mr. Fletcher, as a part of our school staff, you should know that derogatory terms such as 'knucklehead' are not appropriate to use in this professionally-established facility."

"I wouldn't consider a janitor apart of a school staff. All he does is clean up shit and puts his nose into other people's business," Cameron murmured underneath his breath.

"What was that punk?" Mr. Fletcher said sticking out his chest.

"Are you deaf? I SAID—

"Enough!" Principal Paul roared.
"The main issue here is the violation of school rules in which you violated."

"But sir, didn't he faint? Shouldn't we be more focused on making sure he's okay?"

Principal Paul turned around to face me.
"THAT is NONE of your business Ms. Jackson. You are already on violation for committing an act of disruption during an educational process."

"Ms. Goody-two shoes disrupted class?" Cameron scoffed under his breath.

"Yes, she did. As a matter of fact, Ms.
Jackson and Cynthia, this issue involving Cameron is none of your concern. You are to be dismissed from class and taken to the detention room right away until further notice. Any other foolish act will result in suspension."

"Whatever." Cynthia murmured underneath her breath. "Move."
She pushed past me and headed towards Principal Paul's door.

As I headed towards the door I felt Cameron's eyes on me. I felt my cheeks begin to redden. What was with him and staring? He usually doesn't pay this much attention to me...


I felt a hard tap on my shoulder repeatedly.
"Emily. Em, come on. Wake up." I heard a masculine voice say softly.

"Huh?" I rubbed my eyes and looked up at the person who disrupted my nap.
Cameron looked down on me and my gaze met his. His face instantly hardened.
"The principal wants you to come back to his office."
He turned, and walked away.


"So, I have decided to switch up your punishment since this is your first violation and you are a scholar that posses excellent academic skills as well as behavioral skills. Instead of attended consulting with Cynthia every Friday, you will have to tutor Mr. Anderson in order for him to raise his grades and be able to graduate."

Once again, what?

"Now, I'll be right back. I have to file the paperwork for this setup."

As the door closed behind him, Cameron turned to face me.

"So. You're my tutor?"

"I guess."

"I don't think you need one though."


"I think your troubled. Not mentally. Not physically. Rather, your troubled emotionally. I can see it in your eyes."

"....Wha—? W-What? Who do you think you are?" He spat angrily.

I looked at the ground as I spoke:
" I'm not much of a person. But, I can tell you one thing. You're struggling, yes. But, it's not what everyone thinks. That's my apprehension of you. I don't know much and I don't want to. However, whatever you're going through, you don't have to face alone."

He looked at me again, staring into my eyes, trying to figure out what my purpose was.
He sighed and walked out of the office.

Word count: 608
Today I stepped into a whole new world called Hershey Park. Amazing.


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