~Danny X Galaxy~

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This is for you @GalaxyChibiBear_Gamer ! Thanks for entering the contest, here is your prize! I hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for the support! <3 ~Rose

Also I hope you enjoy the art! All credit goes to SpaceMomma


Galaxy looked at the tall building that lies the Game Grumps headquarters. She took a deep breath and made her way inside the intimidating building. She got a job to be a new editor through her friend Barry since they wanted to be able to upload more content. She felt her nervous of excitement fill in fill her stomach with fluttering butterflies.

Once the elevator door opened here stood Barry and a very handsome man with really fluffy brown hair. "Hey, Galaxy! It's great to see you!" Barry said giving her a friendly hug and messed her hair up. "U-Um hey.." Galaxy said blushing lightly. "So you're Galaxy, it's lovely to meet you. You can call me Danny." The man who's name was Danny said.

He extended his hand to Galaxy. She shyly shook his hand, feeling her blush increase. 'Man he's really cute...' Galaxy thought. Barry looked between Galaxy and Danny, then he smirked. "Heyyy Danny, you should show Galaxy around the office~" Barry said. They blush blushed lightly and looked at each other. "Uh- He doesn't have to, I don't want to take time out of his busy day for me.." Galaxy said.

"Busy day? I play video games for a living, there it always time for a lovely girl~" Danny said in a flirtatious tone. "Well I'll leave it to you too, I'll show you have to edit it later," Barry said and headed on his way. "Well, shall m'lady?" Danny said extending his arm to Galaxy.

She couldn't help but giggle and as he linked arms with him. Danny showed Galaxy around the office, they got to know each other very well. Galaxy could already tell she was falling hard for Danny. Little did she know, the same thing was happening to Danny.

**Two Month's Later**

Galaxy sat at her computer, editing a new Steam Train episode for the channel. She and Danny have grown so close to each other, she felt like she could trust him and tell him everything. She really wanted to have something more with hum, something more the being a friend. She really did care for him so deeply, like she never felt this way about anyone before. She loved his adorable fluffy hair, his cute laugh that whenever you hear it, you can't help but smile.

He was everything she wanted in a guy, but her heart hurt because she knew for sure, she could never have him. She bet that he only sees her as a friend and that's it, and she just needs to learn to accept it. She was snapped out of her thoughts by someone talking to her. She blinked a few times before she actually realized who was talking to her, Barry.

"You okay Galaxy? You've been spacing out a lot lately." Barry asked concerned. "Oh it's nothing, I've just been tired I guess." She said before getting back to work. "It's Danny isn't it?" Barry said smiling slightly. "Noooo it's because Kevin won't wear the hot dog costume again." Galaxy said with sarcasm. "Why don't you just tell him how you feel?" Barry said leaning on the desk. "Because he's won't feel the same why," I said blowing a piece of my purple, blue and tear hair out of my face. "You know your gonna hurt more if you don't tell him rather then get rejected. So just tell him, please?" Barry said begging on his knees.

"Fine, I guess... But if it all fails I blame you." Galaxy said sighing. Barry jumped up and down and dragged out of your chair to go find Danny. Galaxy felt her heart start to pound, she was so nervous about all this. Finally, they found Danny talking to Ross, Barry pushed Galaxy over to Danny. "Talk you too," Barry said as he dragged Ross away. Galaxy swallowed hard as he looked up at Danny, she was tall, about 6 feet, but Danny was still way taller.

"U-U-Um... I-I need to t-tell you something.." Galaxy said stuttering. "What is it Pumpkin?" Danny said calling Galaxy by the nickname he made for her. He took a deep breath and looked deep into Danny's eyes. "Danny, I really like you a lot... I get it if you don't feel the same way... I just wanted you to know because you really make me happy and- Mhph!" Galaxy was cut off by Danny crashing his lips into hers.

It felt like sparks we floating around them, the kiss felt so magical. After a minute or so they finally pulled away. "I really like you too Galaxy," Danny said smiling. Galaxy smiled and hugged Danny, he really did feel the same way...

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