~Barry X Levi~

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This is for you @Tsundershane ! Thanks for entering the contest, here is your prize! I hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for the support <3 ~Rose

Also, I hope you enjoy that art! All credit goes to SpaceMomma


Levi had a hard life, it was hard for people to accept who he was. Levi was indeed Transsexual, from female to male. He told his family about it first, they felt very uneasy about it and spend weeks not saying a word to him.

Then he told his best friend, Barry Kramer, he was shocked at first but told Levi that he will support his decision no matter what. As the two males grew up they were always there for each other, and soon they grew strong feeling for one another. Barry did tell Levi that he was gay a few years after Levi told Barry he wad Trans.

They both felt different from the world when they were alone, but together they felt they could achieve anything in life. In the future after they graduated, they actually got an apartment and lived together. It's was surprising yet great how well they cooperated with each other under living conditions.

Then a sad day came, Barry got a job to be an editor for this YouTube comminute channel called GameGrumps. This we were there live would separate for a while, maybe even forever. Before Barry went to leave for his flight, he gave Levi a quick kiss upon his lips.

Barry pulled away and head to for his plane before Levi could react in any way. There Levi stood in shock, he slowly brought his fingers up to his lips. 'Does Barry feel the same way..? Or was it just a friendly goodbye kiss..?' Levi thought.

But he never got his questions answered, for he lost contact with Barry completely. It was as if that kiss was a goodbye kiss, forever.

**Few Years Pass*

Levi had moved on from Barry and moved away from the memories. He moved to a new state and restarted his life, he told everyone he was male and told nothing about him being Trans. He lived a normal life, just hiding his secret from the world. He made a good friend named Arin, Arin introduced him to his wife Suzy and this two other friends Danny and Ross.

Levi eventually told them that he was Trans, and they all excepted him. For once Levi felt like he was wanted and loved. He felt needed for once and he felt like he was an actual person and not some type of freak, he felt happy. One day Danny invited him over to his place, which he gladly accepted. As Levi and Danny sat one the couch socializing, he heard a very familiar voice.

"Hey, Dan! I've finally returned fro-" There he stood, Barry. Levi and Barry made eye contact, they both tried to say something, anything. But it seemed like they were both into much shock to say anything. "L-Levi..." Barry manages to say. "U-Um.... Hey, Barry.." Levi said staring at the ground.

Danny looked between both Levi and Barry. "Okay um- I'm gonna give you two some privacy," Danny said and left the house. Levi and Barry sat on the couch, just staying quiet, the didn't even look at each other. It's been so long since they've seen each other, it felt so weird for them. Finally, Levi spoke up, "Well... Looks like you've been doing great with your life.." Barry sighed and combed his fingers through his hair.

"Listen Levi... I'm so sorry I left you... I just felt like I ruined things after that kiss.." Barry said quietly. Levi blushed a little as the memory of him and Barry kissing played through his mind. Levi scooted closing to Barry and grabbed his hand, he took a deep breath. "I loved that kiss, Barry..." Levi said. "Y-You did..?" Barry said in shock.

Levi nodded and smiled, "It was the best thing that had ever happened to me." Barry's frown slowly turned into smiles as he brought Levi's face close to him. "I love you Levi.," Barry whispered. "I love you too Barry.." Levi said. They closed the distance between each other and shared a loving kiss.

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