EULOGIES FOR THE SUN // act one - part ii: yellow fever

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A preference for women of Asian descent,

usually built on the stereotypes of Asian women being

'docile', 'submissive', usually by white men.

Disease category:

Oh-so socially infectious.


Fickle minds.

How is it spread?

When the Asian woman is packaged in cheap polyethene,

Wrapped in the costume of a Geisha Girl,

Legs of the smooth plastic doll,

Borne with the blooming lotus flower,

Presented to the holy white man.


And somehow, their eyes will pop,

With the exoticised lens they peer through.

Their fantasies are

Wrangled into a million,

Billion threads,

Woven together like embroidery.

And they will tangle their arms around you,

Not because of who you are,

But what you are.

Who is at risk?

Who is at risk?

Who is at risk, you ask?

The girls that I see,

Skin the colour of the sun,


Tucked away,

By the glittering glow,

Of the white man.

The boys that I see,

Less of a man,

Because of the same reasons.

And me.



A/N: 2 things i really dont like

1) white men who chase asian women simply because of the stereotypes attached with their skin colour, and not because of their personality

2) asian women who glorify the white man and want a white boyfriend simply because it is 'cool' lmao

ok got that off my chest seeya later alligators

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