introduction to story

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The picture above is in no way me at all just wait until the actual first chapter and you'll see a picture of me.

*Puts my camera on record and sits down before waving*Hi my name is Kelbie and here is my story of how I met my boyfriend and my best friends
*A boy comes into the room* talking about me babe
*chuckles* not just you but yes mainly you now you see you ruined my recording*pouts crossing my arms*
*he kisses my cheek earning a giggle from me* YAY!!! I got you to smile
I didn't smile you dork I giggled*smiles*
You smiled!!
Can I finish telling our story now sweetheart
Sure babe...wait did you just call me sweetheart
Always your reaction when I say that
Because it always amazes me even after being together for 4 years that you're mine especially since I didn't think we'd even make it one month with how I was and our differences between our two kinds
Yeah yeah yeah you said so in the note you gave me that day can I please tell them now.... wait it's still recording argh
*he smiled* exactly how about we tell them together
*pouts even more* Fiiiiine
*together we say* this is our story
*he frowns* wait do they know my name yet?
Argh I forgot*hides my face in my hands and heard him chuckle*
It's ok babe ill tell them.*he waves* hi my name is Samuel*he puts his arms protectively around me but is smiling anyway* wait does that even mean the bad parts
*nods* even when raziel interfered while you were in college
Even before this timeline to babe?*he looks worried*
Probably sorry
sweetie it's ok
*3 girls come in sitting down and wave* hi I'm kaileigh
I'm Antonia
And I'm Sarah
*I sigh* you won't hear much from them in the story
*they gap at me and in unison say* hey thats not fair
*i smile chuckling* its more based on us*waves a hand in between me and Sam* dipwads

How He And I Met And Got TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now