The Avenger and the Hunter

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The relationship should've been doomed from the start, Dean thought as he laid in bed, Nat's head rested against his bare chest, fiery hair sprawled about. They were mess, a jumble of limbs and sheets, wrapped up in each other. It shouldn't have worked. She was an Avenger, and he was a hunter. She was a spy who went on missions and saved the world from aliens and robots, and he was a killer of all things monster and demon like. They were both in dangerous games, both in a position where the other could be used against them. When they were both away, working, saving the world, they always worried about the other. It was too much stress for two broken people to handle.

But then he saw her. Soft skin, intriguing eyes the mixture of grey and green, red hair you could see from a mile away. She was a tiny thing, with the ability to move and attack like he'd never seen before. She was all grace and beauty in all her fighting, the complete opposite of him. And she was beautiful, the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, and suddenly he didn't care if Natasha was a spy or he was a hunter and it would so, so easy for someone to just take what they had away from him, because he felt and happy and in love and for the first time in his entire life he wasn't scared of it.

Troubled || Dean Winchester & Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now