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"Renee Dusk."

"We will be offically starting the interview now Mr. Dusk, please answer as truthful as possible. What is your idea of perfect happiness?" His tapping pen

"Being in the leaderboard."

"What is your greatest fear?"


"What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?"

"Sleeping over noises."

"What is the trait you most deplore in others?"

"Farting for long amounts of time, and it stinks like a garbage truck."

"Which living person do you most admire?"

"Whoever is number one on the leaderboard."

"What is your greatest extravagance?"

"Finding 20$ sitting on the floor."

"What is your current state of mind?"

"Bored, a hint of tiredness with a sprinkle of excitement."

"What do you consider the most overrated virtue?"


"On what occasion do you lie?"

"There is no specific time I lie."

"What do you most dislike about your appearance?"

"A little bit of everything."

"Which living person do you most despise?"

"My Enemy."

"What is the quality you most like in a man?"

"Humor, preferably dry."

"What is the quality you most like in a woman?"

"Her figure."

"Which words or phrases do you most overuse?"

"'Shut up,' 'get a life,' or 'go fuck yourself.' Lately, I have been trying to refrain from saying them."

"What or who is the greatest love of your life?"

"Whoever you give me after this."

"When and where were you happiest?"

"That is a secret."

"Which talent would you most like to have?"


"If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?"

"A little bit of everything."

"What do you consider your greatest achievement?"

"Being a black belt in two different fighting styles."

"If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?"

"A fast spreading, incurable and fatal virus..."

'Where would you most like to live?"

"The country."

"What is your most treasured possession?"

"My phone."

"What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?"

"Dying accidentlly."

"What is your favorite occupation?"

"Its a tye between murderer and game designer."

"What is your most marked characteristic?"

"My boobs"

"What do you most value in your friends?"

"Their quirks."

"Who are your favorite writers?"

"Stephan King."

"Who is your hero of fiction?"

"Too many to decide from."

"Which historical figure do you most identify with?"

"Adolf Hitler."

"Who are your heroes in real life?"

"The current number one on the leaderboard."

"What are your favorite names?"

"Caleb, Sam, Erazmus, Phoenix, and Alex."

"What is it that you most dislike?"


"What is your greatest regret?"

"Not confessing my love."

"How would you like to die?"

"I would like my murder to go down into history."

"What is your motto?"

"Never trust anyone, they always sell you out."

He scribbles the remaining and quickly dismisses me. I hope it went well.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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