Chapter Fifteen: The Hayride Surprise

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"It's a bad idea Ava," Mason warned with a shake of his head, he didn't know what she hoped to achieve by doing this but he could only see this ending in tears for them; he glared at Camden who had agreed with Avalon. 

For some reason, Avalon was insisting that they attend the Halloween Parade and Fair that was taking place in town; she only said that she had a feeling that they needed to be there for some reason. 

Avalon rolled her eyes at his words and smoothed out the black vest top that she was wearing; she was looking forward to seeing people that weren't just Camden and Mason. 

"Come on Mason, it's Halloween and Paradise is having a parade," Avalon teased with a smile, she had tried to get a clearer picture of what was going to happen but it was all still so blearily and she hoped that it wasn't going to cause trouble. 

Camden nodded his head, he knew that she was still going to work out what was going to happen; her warning that if they didn't do something then more attention would come to Paradise. 

This was the only way that they could get some idea of what was going on and maybe prevent it from happening; they didn't need to draw the Mogadorians attention back to Paradise when they had just left. 

"Plus, we might spot Ava's boyfriend while we're there," Camden said trying to lighten the mood, he hoped that this wasn't going to be a big problem for them and he was sure that they could get this under control. 

They were all going together and it would allow them to deal with the chances that someone might recognise Avalon if they weren't careful.

 She had already promised to keep her hood up while they were out and Avalon was sure no one would be paying attention to her; she just needed to know what was going to happen.

"It's not as if anyone will recognise us," Camden murmured with a shake of his head as he prepared to leave, no one knew who he and Mason were and they wouldn't let Avalon expose herself to the town's residents. 

Avalon nodded her head, she pulled up her hood and made sure that no one would be able to see her face; luckily it was Halloween and wearing a disguise like this would help her blend in. 

Groaning as he realised that he wasn't going to talk the other two out of this, Mason grabbed his own hoodie and hoped that this would work.

There was no way that he was prepared to deal with the police if they were caught, they would have no way to explain how Avalon was still alive and it was sure to raise a lot of unwanted questions. 

"Fine but let's be careful Ava's supposed to be dead," Mason reminded them, he hoped that the risk was worth what they were about to do and he had a feeling that they were going to regret this. 

Avalon offered him a reassuring smile before heading out of the door, it was nice to be actually getting out of the house for something that wasn't training and she hoped that her visions would become clearer as the night went on.


John wasn't surprised to see Sarah taking pictures at the Halloween Parade, she was always glued to her camera these days and he didn't see why she insisted that he hang around when she was clearly busy. 

The last few weeks had been strange and John doubted that they were going to get easier as he dealt with what had happened to Avalon; he was almost jealous that the others had all put her death behind them while he continued to grieve for her. 

"Still up for a trip on the Haunted Hayride?" Sarah asked linking her arm with John's and starting to lead him towards the ride, she was pleased that he was here with her; she had been worried that he would avoid the celebrations because Avalon was gone. 

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