iii- they

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They sat there alone yet again. But that in itself is quite a contradictory statement. Considering they sat alone. Really they sat together, but alone.

None of them talked to one another. None of them knew anything about the other apart from their first names (and surnames if they’re lucky) and what book one of them happened to be reading that day, or what band they were listening to that day, when their music was up too high.

But none of them ever talked, and you’re probably wondering why they never talked. And to be perfectly honest there was no reason as to why they didn’t talk. Well besides from none of them enjoying the sensation of being enveloped by awkwardness and stuttering conversations.

So they didn’t talk. They just knew each other in passing. From sitting together for years on end at lunch time. Which in itself is pretty pathetic that they’ve hardly ever talked, besides from a ‘Hi,’ or a ‘Pass the vinegar,’

But they have never spoken to one another. And probably never will. Which is sad really. How you can sit with someone, be in the same class as someone for  years on end yet never communicate with them?

But that’s how it is in all works of life isn’t it? A shop assistant tells you they like your hair, yet you never speak to them again.

It’s a little terrifying how you can have a full blown conversation with someone yet not know their name. Never know their name. But that’s life.

One big whirlwind of misunderstanding and not really ever knowing anyone. Least of all yourself. So who can blame them? Who can blame them for seeing the truth? That no-matter how much you talk to someone. How much you think you know them. You never really do. And you never really will.

So what’s the point?


So new chapter guys. This one doesn't really have a POV. But what the hell, right?

So yeah drop me a comment, a vote, a fan. You know what to do.

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