v- ink

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As the pen ink dripped from her tongue, she thought.

She always put her pen in her mouth when she thought.

It always caused her lips to go a black colour.

Well she liked that gothic look anyway, so she couldn't complain.

But her mother could, "You'll get ink poisoning, and then I won't be able to have any grandchildren," she would say.

If only, her daughter would think.

Well about the grandchildren part. Because who in their right mind would ever want a child? She couldn't understand why you'd want to have this thing living inside of you for nine months, all while taking your calcium supply, increasing your risk of osteoporosis. All whilst taking other nutrients too. It's practically stealing your body from you. So this, this didn't make sense to her. And then after this thing,  this kid even, is born, you've got to pay for it. You'll have to care for it. You'll never be free.

She's never been free. So why would she want to give it up when she finally has it?

Why when she's finally her own boss, would she even think about ever throwing it away?

That's right, she wouldn't.

So please, no kids for her.

But the part about the poisoning, well that's a lie, her daughter didn't want ink poisoning; she didn’t want to be poisoned.

If there was any poisoning she wanted, it would be lead.

Because that would have some interesting side effects.

What with going mad and all that.

But she guessed it could be argued that she was already mad to have these thoughts.

But she didn't care.

She heard that that's why hatters where known to be mad. Like the mad hatter. Because they would lick the drip of lead when making hats. And she already made things. So why not hats? She thought that there was no reason not to, so she did.

And that's when and how she decided what she wanted to do with her life.

And what she wanted to do was to simply make hats.

And this conclusion of what her life would come to be, came from that one fleeting thought of ink poisoning.

It's funny how these things happen.

So she went in search of some lead, only to find that it's difficult to find and not many places sell it, considering it is poisonous. So she bought a glue gun. And a whole lot of fabric. Very beautiful fabric too. In a range of different materials and patterns. From silks to chiffons.

Her mother thought she was mad in the head. And not the good kind that she thought she was. But truly crazy.

When her mother found out about her dream, she snatched the fabric away, threw her glue sticks in the fire, took her daughter by the collar and told her, in the harshest way she could muster, "Dreams like these are for little kids. You're too old to be dreaming. Because that's all they are; dreams. And they'll never come true."

So her daughter, being the poetic genius that she was, told her, "But they can. I have proof."

And her mother asked her, with as much spite and disgust in her voice as possible, "What proof?"

"I have you."

Her mother looked confused. Then she realised that this was one of the greatest compliments she had ever received, from anyone, let alone her daughter, with whom she didn't have the greatest relationship with. So naturally her face began to soften and the beginnings of a smile began to crack out onto her face, and you could tell she was so filled with joy, her daughter could see it too. Anyone could.

But then her daughter took this happiness and metaphorically stomped on it by continuing, "You're in all of my nightmares. And nightmares are dreams. So there's your proof."

Her mother was speechless. So all she could think to do was let go of her daughter and stand there. Then after a long thought and time her mother said, "I just want what's best for you." Her voice was a cracking whisper.

"Yes, well mother," her daughter replied, "Sometimes you are very wrong. Sometimes what you think is best for me, is actually what is the worst for me."

And that, right there, was the day Noelle Grey broke her mother's heart.

She never mended it either.

Because Noelle followed her dream. And broke her mother's heart further. She left her mother's dream in the dirt and rubble. And took her dream to the stars.

She left her mother's dream in the dirt and rubble and along with it, her mother.

But as her mother's heart broke, Noelle's heart was filling.

And Noelle hoped it would fill to the brim. And then some more.


A/N- I'm sorry it took so long for the update, and I have a lot of free time for the next while. So lets hope I'll get more written soon. c:

I really enjoy writing this, and I kept with my colours too.

So vote, comment, and who knows? Maybe even fan.

You know what to do ;)

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