Chapter 17 - The Amazement

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Eren p.o.v

I knew that the hunters or at least John was not going to go down easy. The plan had to be absolutely flawless or it could end bad. Checking my situation and surroundings I took in everything that should be calculated in our escape. We were in the dungeon in the old warehouse, me being chained to the wall, the thick and almost unbreakable silver door, Alanya – with her being so little, John the head hunter and approximately 10 hunters. By concentration I could feel John and about four hunters inside the warehouse, the others were paired in pairs and that make 2 groups on patrol around the area and two hunters outside the door.

The hunters would be easy to take down after I get out of the chains. What would be a challenge was John and if I could connect with my inner self. Being born with a sex was not only the special about me; I can also connect to the forest. I can feel the threes, the power of the waterfalls and the growth everywhere. My plan was to ask the forest for help in our escape. Hearing to stories about the great tree warriors and me being able to speak to trees gave me the idea. Not knowing if the stories were true or not would now be sat on trial.

Making sure that Alanya was asleep and comfortable I began connecting to the ground. I felt the earths heartbeat and got sucked out of my body. I traveled through the roots in the ground and when opening my eyes, I was standing outside. My body was still physically inside the warehouse and I was standing outside in my soul form. I began walking into the forest; leaving the clearing with the warehouse. Knowing I did not have long before my body would be damaged from not having its soul. Surprisingly I was now in human form – being that I was separated from my wolf soul.

I stepped up to the biggest and strongest tree, which had the loudest heartbeat, and touched its bark. Placing my forehead on the trunk of the tree and said my prayer.

E = "Oh great tree warriors, please hear my plie and help me in my request. I have been taking prisoner of my enemy and I pray for your strength to carry me and my pup the way home. Please guide us out into the forest where there lies freedom and hope. Please become my hope and show outsiders your growth so that they will never think about even harming you now and in the future. I come to you because of the special bond we share and ask for your assistants not as a stranger, but as a brother. I will be in your debt and come when you call for me. Let us fight alongside each other and show the world who truly own this forest!"

When I was done with my prayer I opened my eyes. Seeing that it did not have any effect, I caressed the tree trunk and smiled. Well at least I tried.

E = "Thank you for listening."

Turning and planning to go back inside my body to see on Alanya, I heard a voice resound inside my mind.

"We have heard your prayer and are honored to help you chosen one. When you need our assistants, we will be there to guide you to your goal. Call upon us though the roots of the ground or our tall bodies and we will become your shield as well as sword. Go back now chosen one till the time is right."

The next time opening my eyes, I was back inside my body with Alanya looking at me curiously. Her still being in wolf form waving her cute little tail back and forth before jumping on me. She was now lying on top of my big wolf head, playfully biting my ears. During the week where we had been trapped, she had not been showing any playfulness and I was glad that she was feeling comfortable enough to play with me.

A few hours went by, when footsteps sounded outside the door. I quickly tugged Alanya behind me just before the door opened and two hunters walked through the door. John was behind them with a big smirk on his face. They left the door opened like always; the procedure was that the hunters would take Alanya outside the door and leave me alone with John, where he could have his 'fun'.

When the two hunters stepped forward I yelled for the tree warriors

E = "NOW!"

Suddenly roots shot through the ground and grabbed the three hunters. The roots retracted; the hunters were pulled down onto the ground and let out a load groan. I reacted quickly, grabbing Alanya in my mouth and running outside the cell hearing John yelling at the other hunters to prevent us from leaving. I turned around one last time and saw roots piercing the three hunters heart and the life drain from their eyes.

Hearing a loud raw, I ran to find the exit from the dungeon. Finally finding the exit and stepping up to the first floor of the old warehouse. Luckily the door was right in front of me, but I had to preside with cautiousness. When I had not found any hunters inside the house I ran outside; I was almost halfway through the clearing when three hunters jumped in front of me. I stopped and began glaring at them; it was too dangerous to let Alanya go. Suddenly there came something looking like an arm of vines and swept the hunters of their feet.

Shocked I sat down and looked behind me. My eyes widened when they fell on the biggest creature I have ever seen; it looked like it was 15 meters tall. The trees had an appearance like a human; strong bodies of tree trunks, vines making armor and a helmet and long beautiful leaves attached by the hip and flowing in the wind. I was surprised to find out that there were only female warriors, but I knew then and there that the tree warriors were the strongest creatures on the planet.

I was truly blessed to receive their help not only now but hopefully also in the future.

When Fate Takes OverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora