Character Bio: Lukas

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Full Name: Lukas Daniel McIntosh
Nicknames: Luke (by Petra and Jesse), Crossbow Nerd (by Aiden), Outsider (by Axel), and Blond Dude (by Ivor and Magnus)
Age: 17 years old
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 106 lbs.
Race: Swedish/Caucasian
Religion: Catholic
Relationship Status: Single (will be updated as the story goes along)

Personality: Lukas is known for being a courageous and laid back person who can never turn down a dare. He likes to hang out with Petra and Jesse, and if you're looking for him you could always look in a cave. He is very caring and is someone you can vent to, and he is also very protective of his best friend, Jesse. Lukas is also very funny and can think of a joke at the drop of a hat.

Appearance: Lukas has tanned skin and a crap ton of freckles. He has messy, frizzy blond and light brown hair, and light blue eyes with huge black bags under them, as Lukas doesn't get much sleep. He wore goggles on the top of his head and had a dirty orange tee shirt. He also has a black zip-up hoodie with small rectangles of iron armour parts on the sleeves. He also has very baggy dark gray jeans with many holes in them, and has dirty boots for shoes. He also has a slash on his face under his left eye from the Witherstorm encounter.

Best Friend: Jesse 
Crush/Partner: Jesse 
Friends: Petra, Axel, Olivia, Gabriel, Magnus, Soren, and Ellegaard
Enemy: Aiden

Jesse is Lukas's closest friend and he cares about him more than anything. Lukas is very protective of Jesse, and even protected him from the Witherstorm when they were attacked. Lukas also will always choose Jesse as a companion whenever they have to go somewhere together.

Petra: Petra is another one of Lukas's close friends, and he will often help her out in tough situations. He also tends to tease Petra about the fact that Petra seems to be brave but can become frozen in fear in certain situations. Lukas will often help Petra out in situations and he is one of his closest friends.

Axel: Lukas and Axel don't get along very well, but they definitely can be considered "friends". Axel sometimes thinks that Lukas is weird and that he is just an outsider. Axel will often times also fall onto Lukas and just laugh it off, even when Lukas looks like he is in pain. But Lukas will definitely look out for Axel when they are in dangerous situations.

Olivia: Lukas and Olivia do not interact much, but they definitely are friends. Lukas will help out Olivia when they are fighting any enemies or hostile mobs, and he also will defend her when anyone (besides Jesse, obviously) is arguing with her.

Aiden: Ohhhh boy, where do I start here. Well, Lukas and Aiden used to be friends and members of the same gang, but when Lukas started hanging out with Jesse and the other "losers", Aiden thought that Lukas had betrayed them. Now, Aiden and Lukas will often get into fights with each other whenever they run into each other, and Aiden will often try and either kill Lukas or try and get him away from his friends.

Ivor: Lukas and Ivor don't interact much, but Lukas is still mad at Ivor for creating the Witherstorm.

Gabriel: Gabriel and Lukas have a neutral relationship. They got along fine until "The Incident" (WHICH IS A BIIIIG SPOILER SO I CAN'T SAY IT HERE).

Magnus: Same as above. Spoilers in episode four. SHOCKER.

Ellegaard: Lukas and Ellegaard don't really interact in the whole story, but he still thinks Ellegaard is a pretty cool person.


- Lukas is loosely based off of my friend
- He is also part of a running gag in the book as well as episode 3 of the game: Axel will keep falling onto Lukas
- Lukas is known as being very smart with potions and alchemy

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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