Virgo + Pisces Capability

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For ImHadesBxtch

Virgo + Pisces Capability

From the Virgo viewpoint

Virgo Pisces is a complex and in some ways cruel match. You'll love certain aspects of this relationship, and hate plenty of others. There won't be a lot of ugly fights but there may be a lot of gradually increasing frustration.

Initially you were probably drawn to your partners romantic and caring nature, while they were drawn to your intelligence and common sense. They bring the fantasy, you bring the bring practicality. In many respects you fit each other perfectly.

The downside is that sometimes it seems like you can't begin to understand each other. When things are good you'll feel you have met your soulmate. However, in numerous ways you're complete opposites:

You see a tree and judge it against other trees for symmetry and perfection of form, reprimand yourself 20 seconds later for wasting time, and then go back to writing that shopping list. Meanwhile your Pisces sees a tree, envisions a forest, ponders it as a metaphor for empathy and isolation, and after two days of being distracted then becomes saddened by it.

The root of most day to day problems from your perspective, is that your Pisces looks at life as a temporary illusion, and as such cares very little for the 'here and now', material possessions, getting their way, working hard, organizing their life or 100 other small things which are important to you.

Day to day life and practical matters often just don't interest this partner. They're also very selfless and compassionate, and almost impossible to hate for it. On some level you can't help but feel they've actually got the best approach, and often admire their idealistic and dreamy approach to life. Yet you still can't make yourself want to follow it.

While you each admire and respect the others skill set, you just don't find much use for it. You have common sense while your partner is a dreamer. You write lists while your partner writes poetry. You like order and your partner is quite comfortable with chaos. You value productivity and need to keep busy, while your partner is quite comfortable being idle for extended periods.

There are some positive aspects to this, not least that you may both be fascinated by the others style (even if you can't quite believe that someone can live that way!) Each of you could learn a lot from the other, however there are a few obstacles in the way of that. Not least that you sometimes annoy and frustrate each other endlessly!

Money is likely to be a major issue in a Virgo Pisces relationship. In short, you care about it, and your partner just doesn't. They probably call you frugal or obsessive, and you probably call them irresponsible.

You're mentally neat and meticulous, and it's likely that you see this partner as highly disorganized and lazy. You distrust emotions and don't really like expressing your feelings where avoidable. It's likely your partner often suggests you follow your heart instead of analyzing things.

You can be critical, and your partner is very sensitive and easily hurt. It's likely that several times a day you hurt their feelings, and frankly you wish they didn't have so many. Meanwhile they may become insecure, and increasingly needy, creating a vicious circle.

Pisces is a very 'vulnerable' sign, and you'll almost certainly come to feel that they need you more than you need them. It's almost impossible to hate such a caring, selfless and compassionate person. Very intuitive, your partner will always know how you're feeling and will always be there to offer support. They're you're biggest fan. It's very likely you'll end up feeling guilty, and feel that somehow things are your fault.

In this respect it's a vicious circle, where you drain each others self confidence and energy, bringing out the worst in each other, yet you never truly fight, and probably don't want to give up on a relationship where you compliment each other so well. Speaking of which..

From the Pisces viewpoint

You'll probably see things more clearly in this match than your partner does. The gist of the situation is that your partner thinks, while you feel. You were probably drawn to their intelligence and common sense, while they found your romantic and caring nature equally appealing. In many respects you fit each other perfectly.

This is a highly practical, down to earth and productive partner, always analyzing, improving and refining performance and monitoring progress. Meanwhile you just aren't concerned about these type of temporary day to day things, preferring to focus on the bigger issues, meanings and potentials of life.

You may well think your Virgo is a workaholic, and often wish they would look up from the road to see the scenery. You accept them for how they are however, and try to give them space to do their thing while offering emotional support as only a Pisces can. You're always there for your partner, who in exchange may sometimes be cold or aloof, which may make you insecure.

When things are good you'll feel you have met your soulmate. However, in numerous ways you're complete opposites, and often don't see eye to eye. Each of you could learn a lot from the other, however there are a few obstacles in the way of that. Not least that you may frustrate each other a lot!

You may find your partner is very meticulous, methodical and organized. Not always physically, but almost certainly mentally. You probably wish they would open up to you more often, and probably feel that the very times they should follow their heart are the times they always follow their head.

Virgo is often obsessed with seeking perfection, and a necessary step towards that is being very self critical, and often equally critical of others. It's likely that you get many reminders about practical tasks and habits which they feel you should focus on, and sometimes the delivery may be somewhat hurtful.

This is a complex and in some ways cruel match. You'll love certain aspects of this relationship, and dislike plenty of others. There won't be a lot of ugly fights but there may be a lot of gradually increasing frustration.

Issues such as money are likely to cause friction in a Pisces Virgo partnership. Your partner is likely to balance their check book regularly, and won't leave a reconciliation until everything is perfect. You probably feel this is somewhat obsessive, and are comfortable with your own financial situation, knowing that such things always work out on their own.

It's very likely you would do or give anything for this partner. You're their biggest fan, and always there for them, and yet you can't seem to address their frustration with you sometimes. Instead you hold firm to your belief that unconditional love will conquer all.

This certainly isn't a mean or ugly partner, and this relationship is only a small step away from being perfect, if only your Virgo would follow their heart and stop obsessing over the incidental details of the here and now.

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