Chapter 10

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Lexis P.O.V

So after Ronnie left last night, I went home with Ziz and stayed up talking till we eventually passed out at around 3am. I woke up way before she did, so I stood on her balcony overlooking LA feeling comfortable. I had so many memories of America, so many memories of Radke and I, of us chilling with Max in drug induced hazes.

Pulling out a cigarette, I lit it, breathing in the smoke which has become my necessity throughout the years. I hear mumbles and a crash, turning around, I see a tired Zizzy with bad bed hair.

"Morning sunshine" I say with a cheeky smile.

"Fuck off. I hate mornings and I need sleep." She replied in a groggy voice.

"No you need coffee. Get dressed we going for breakfast." I demand and gave her a look which she can't argue with. Ziz grunts and returns to her bedroom whilst I do a little victory dance and get ready for the day.

"To do list:
Breakfast ✔️
Go shopping
Drink coffee
My phone blares out Iron Maiden, signalling someone was calling me. Ronnie. I answered:
"Kryc? Oh my God you answered! Look, I know what you said last night but I am truly sorry, please just meet me for lunch and talk to me, I need to know who you are now, all I know is the 'Let Loose Lexi' from high school. Please?"

I smiled slightly at the old nickname, it wasn't a charmer but it was a funny memoir.

"You humiliated me in front of so many people, why would I ever want to see you again? You didn't even give me the chance to talk, you think that Ryan and Jackie would have let me anywhere near you if I was using? They wouldn't risk it Ronnie." My response was a bit harsh but he knows how the game works.

"Meet me at Starbucks at 3:00." The line goes dead...did he just order me to meet him? Fine. I'll make this a meeting he will never forget.

Today was warm so we didn't need to get in the car and go anywhere fancy for breakfast. We Walked towards the little café two roads down from Zizzys flat, we chat and I tell her about my phone call with Radke, and how I'm going to make it known that I am a grown woman who will not be ordered around.

"Oh! Are you gonna shank him in the middle of Starbucks? You're gonna get caught you know, someone will blatantly all the police and you are easy to describe." Ziz states, face staring straight ahead with a blank expression. She always jumps to the violent circumstances, and as for being caught? I'm offended that she'd think I'm that stupid.

"I'm not gonna shank him, I'm just going to walk into the coffee shop with a new sexy outfit, my head held high and a handbook of witty comebacks to annoy the shit out of him. He can't humiliate me and expect no retaliation. Silly boy." I reply, Zizzy looks a me with a cheeky look in her eye and a sly smile on her face.

"Sexy outfit? I know just the place."

After breakfast we shop, Zizzy dragging me to a place which smelt like leather and submission. Great... Walking around I see a pair of black leather trousers which have two strips of gold studs. Trying them on they fit perfect and make my ass look great. Once I bought them and went into a relatively normal shop, I bought my top which was a black halter neck crop top with bits cut out the sides.

We sat down and I was drained, I needed coffee and a break from Zizzys shopping obsession.

"Happy with the outfit? Because I need to see it." Zizzy broke the silence, sighing I get up from the table and find a toilet to change in. Coming out, I felt self conscious. People were staring so I checked to see that I didn't forget any time of clothing or that I had anything on my face. Quickly pacing towards Ziz, I sit down and she chuckles.

"Well it got a reaction out of these folks so it's a done deal for Radke." Laughing, I nodded along with her statement and checked the time. 2:30. Huh, guess I have to go now. Saying good bye to Ziz she took my shopping bag and left me with my black purse, time to get this over and done with.

Caught like a fly. Ronnie RadkeWhere stories live. Discover now