Chapter 1: Fur real

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The smell of chlorine or icy water on your skin. The shiny sun that never seems to go away and the cool nights that makes you want to start fire. Summer the season ninety-nine percent of kids love. But for Tyler Rypziki it's one hell of a bore.

*Tyler's p.o.v*

I push my brunette hair to the side with my hair putti. "Come on." I moan trying to find a decent hair style with my short hair, that doesn't make it look like the barber put a bowl on my head. It will only take forty-eight hours until my summer ends. Like a limited addition comic book at barns and nobles it was here and then gone.

Sadly the summer was filled with my mom yelling at me to go outside and my late night anime marathons. No friends to talk to, unless you count the people on Instagram who always seem to be nice. I grab my bathroom's door handle which sends a tingle in my hand from the icy coldness it emits.

I slowly open it as it creeks open. The floor feels hard and cold on my feet since I forgot to wear socks. I walk up the stairs from my room which is also the basement to the smell of fresh air from open windows and febreeze. "Morning dork." My mom said as she toss French toast onto the gas stove which shined black. "Thanks mom." I sighed at her little joke of a nickname.

I pulled out a chair to our oak brown table and take a seat as the leather makes a strange squeaking noise. I let out a big yawn. "Tyler your teeth!" My mom said in shock. "Yah I know, ever since I got my braces off I don't brush that much and they are yellow yah yah yah." I said going over a repetitive conversation we have. "No, they are sharp." She said with a look of excitement and worry on her face.

"What?" I asked, but she was already hauling me into the bathroom which real of my fathers early morning cigarette smoke. For my mother to open the window letting a cool breeze to sweep through along with summer heat. I look in the mirror which was also our medicine cabinet. I open my mouth wide to see my teeth. They all seemed normal until I saw my upper canine teeth sharp as a razor blade.

"Woah." I said poking it with my index finger. "Tyler this is great!!!" My mother almost screamed. "Why, does this mean another check up appointment at my dentist. "No something else, but first eat your French toast and I'll call your father." She smile patting my shoulder causing me to flinch from yesterday's sunburn.

After I took the last bite of my French toast which soaked up most of the maple syrup I sprayed on. I glance over at my sister's room to see she is still asleep. "Lazy." I rolled my eyes and wiped my mouth getting rid of extra syrup. I walked into the living while my mother and father beckoned me to sit on the grey pale couch. I took a seat on the fuzzy, but uncomfortable couch.

"So my boys all grown up." Smiles my dad with his cheeky grin that he gives if he make a joke only he understands. "I have no idea what your talking about." I said scratching the side of my face, it made a small itching sound as I scratch the tiny bit of peach fuzz I had. "Tyler we've been keeping something from you." My mother said with a serious tone as her smile faded into a neutral face with her brow slightly lifted.

"Is it another Santa story?" I asked. She shook her head as a no. " Tyler, you are a werewolf." She said it as plain as day. It took me by a surprise. "This isn't a funny joke." I said giving an awkward smile. "This isn't a joke. On your father's side and my side we have werewolf blood. Now not everyone in the family has it, it skips a generation or two or even ten." She said. I took a moment to listen. Here was my mom telling me for some odd reason that I'm a werewolf and some of my family is too. "Listen, we wanted to tell you early, but we needed to wait and see if you got the monster gene." My father said as he twirled his hand on his lap in an uncomfortable motion.

"Okay this is great and all, but how would you tell, just because of my teeth are kinda sharp." I said believing them for a minute. "Well, two things one your teeth and two your ears." My mother pointing to my head. I felt the side of my head, my ears where soft and smooth, instead they felt like leather and where larger and more pointing. It took me by shock for a minute. "How didn't I notice this morning?" I asked myself.

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