Chapter 2: Not so bad first impressions

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I wake up with a jump as I noticed the bus hit a large pothole. I look around with my hair wild and in a mess. "Dammit." I sigh. Oddly I began to notice my body seemed to be a little hairier then before. Well the hair aspect of werewolf's are certainly not off.

As the bus finally came to a halt I got up and walked out of the bus. As I took my first step off the bus behind me instantly left. I watched as the other kids I saw on the bus disappear down a long cobble roadway. The sky seemed to be a light magenta, swirling with a mix of light colors, I suppose this indicates it's daytime. Thus I began my way down the cobble path as crooked trees curved and their roots tearing at the ground. It really looked like a horror movie opening shot.

As the glow of yellow and orange lanterns on both sides of me illuminated my way I was captivated by my surroundings. Although scary at first the trees began to turn into a swirl of other magical things. I began to see sparkles of traveling pixies swarm through the trees and tiny mushroom doors open with little fairies. Portals opening up as odd students of all grander appeared. Then I noticed a boy in particular. "Ohhhh come on." He sighed cooly yet aggravated. I looked over to see he had a lime green color of skin, his hair was oddly hair like as it was spiked up and swayed to the left.

He had black earrings, with a ripped jean vest and an open grey hoodie underneath. Finally with skinny black pants and red sneakers. "Ummm, are you alright?" I said as I could see his butt sway from left to right as he dug through bushes. "Huh? O-oh! Yeah just dropped something." He said a little taken aback but cooly at the same time. "Aha!" He said in a victorious voice. He held in his hand a shiny silver ring.

He then turned to me as I noticed his gel like hair was now ruffled and mixed with leaves. "Let me help yah there." I said quickly picking them out. "I'm Tyler by the way." I said picking out a twig from his goopy locks. "Yo, I'm Avery." He said in a softer voice. Finally I got the last leaf out as I took a step back. "Thanks." He said shifting his eyes to the side.
"No problem." I stated with a smile as I noticed my tail started to wag. I quickly grabbed it to stop and bit down a yelp.

"So you new here?" He asked picking up his bags. "Uhhh yeah..... how'd you know?" I asked. "Oh just a hunch, I haven't seen you around. I've been going tot his school since I was little." Avery said as we started to walk together. "Well I didn't find out I was werewolf until a couple days ago." I smiled awkwardly. "Ohhh a late bloomer then." He said. "I suppose I sighed, as the aching pain of him being taller hit me. "Don't worry you have time to grow." He smiles with a chuckle. We contained to talk as I finally arrived at the campus.

My eyes lit like a fire. The entire campus was filled of different types of monsters... I mean students, as I examined the area. The buildings where large staggering stone structures. It reminded me of those old churches you see in history books, but these building were even bigger. "Oh by the way, if you haven't assumed I'm a Slime." He smiled as I noticed his skin sorta melt..... ew. "You are new so I'll explain, everyone here has a different type of monster/ species they are assigned to. But we all are on equal plains." He stated cooly. "So I recommend you allow people to tell you their monster race instead of assuming it, but when in class we'll
Be addressed by our names and monster identity." He smiled a toothy grin.

"Ah alright." I said trying to take in the facts. "Now let's see.... did the school give you any papers?" He asked. "Actually yeah." I said as I unfolded a tiny piece of paper from my pocket. "Allow me." He said as he quickly snatched it from my hands. "Hmmmmm alright, it appears you'll need to head to the main headmaster's office." He said with a thoughtful expression. "Oh alright... umm..." I started as he interrupted me. "Yeah I know the way, don't worry I'm somewhat a helper for new students. I'll show yah the way pup." He smiled with cool eyes but playful intent. "Alright." I said as I smiled... it looks like I got a new friend here... that wasn't too hard.

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