02. Grilled Cheesus

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I woke up a few minutes ago and I'm now standing in front of the bathroom mirror, brushing my teeth. Finn must've woken early because I usually have to wait a while to come in here. He may be a guy, but he takes a long time to get ready. He probably spends most of his bathroom time on his hair.

If I'm honest, I'm actually kind of excited for school today. Yesterday wasn't so bad, and I seem to have already friended Kurt. Hm. Yes. Today will be good.

When I'm done brushing, I rinse and wash my face, put on some makeup, pick an outfit for the day and then head downstairs for breakfast. Second day at McKinley here I co-

"Morning!" Finn greets me happily. A little too much so. I walk farther into the kitchen where he is watching the George Foreman intently, waiting.

"You're..cooking?" I have never seen my brother cook anything. The only time I ever saw him use the Foreman was a few days after I got back from England. He tried to dry his shoes with it..

"Yeah! I'm making a grilled cheesus. You want one?" He points to the bread bin. I shake my head.

"Um, no thanks, and it's 'grilled cheese'.."

"Not anymore, grilled cheesus." He looks at the machine again when he says this, like he's talking to it. I knew my brother was the slightly, ahem, majorly more weird twin but now I'm starting to think he may be ill. "You are missing out though. These things are heavenly."

"Okay.. Well um, I'm just gonna-I'm gonna head to school. I'll, uh, see ya later." I turn and run to the door, away from the madman.


I get yelled at to shut the door behind me when I leave my Math class. I don't understand my knowledge on Math: I find the really hard equations and problems easy, and then I get confused with the simple stuff. That's why I was the last one out of there. I was being told that I should study more.

While walking to my locker, I spot Kurt, he's about to walk into Glee Club but I run up and stop him quickly, placing my hand on his shoulder. He freezes. Oh no, something's wrong. I step around him so I can see his face. There are tears in his eyes and my smile completely drops.

"Kurt? What's happened?"

He sniffs and replies quietly, "My Dad's in the hospital." Another sniff. "He had a heart attack."

"Oh my-, I'm so sorry, did you wanna-I mean, i-is there anything I can do-"

"No, it's okay. Just go.. I have a Glee meeting."

I rub my hand on his shoulder, he pushes it away. Then he walks into the choir room. I peak in and see the rest of the New Directions stand up in turns, asking him questions, hugging him and giving him their most sincere apologies. Kurt accepts and answers every question, but looks sad and a little angry as he does.


The next time I see Kurt, he approaches me. I feel his sadness as he reaches me. He rests against the lockers and looks me in the eye this time.

"Rikki, I'm sorry about earlier, I know you were only trying to help and I just shoved you away, I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry. I know how you must feel.." I pull my books against my chest and try to focus on Kurt's questioning look. "Finn and I never knew our father, so I can only imagine what it's like to see yours like that, in that state. I just hope he gets better." His lips quirk into a small, sad smile. He copies what I did earlier, places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes gently.

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