Party.... Yay

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From the airport we drove straight to Zoey's house.

"Alfie can you get some crisps from the store?"Zoey yelled from the kitchen.

"Yea sure,"I heard the jingling of keys and a door close.

"Ummm do I have to get changed?"I stood awkwardly in the kitchen.

"No,no,no, what you have on is fine,"

Looking down at my t-shirt and jeans I shrugged. Alfie came back with a couple bottles of soda and chips. Secretly I knew all the youtubers coming but I didn't say anything.

"Here bitches,"I heard someone yell from the door.

I knew that voice to well, it was Tyler Oakley. Zoey ran to the door to greet everyone. Standing in the doorway was Casper, Tyler, Troye, Joe, Conner, Marmie, and The Harries Twins.

"Hi everyone,"Zoey had the biggest grin on her face. "Where's Dan and Phil?"

"They're running late,"Jack said.

I stood awkwardly by the door looking at anything except them.

"Oh! How rude am I? This is Keila guys, she just moved here from California,"Zoey pulled me towards the group.

No don't look at me.

"Oh I've heard of you. You may be the Queen of Unitatos but I'm queen over all,"Tyler sassed me.

Desperately I looked at Zoey for help. She got my signal and moved everyone to the living room.

"I have a surprise for you Keila,"Zoey grabbed her laptop. "You're on Kyle,"

"Hey Key Lime Pie,"

"Kyle!"I exclaimed taking the laptop from Zoey. "Thank god, I don't know any of these people, well I do but not personally."

"Troye's there right? You've always wanted to do a collab or sing with him. You'd like Tyler too just talk to them, they will love you,"

"Thanks Ky! I wish you were here, you make things a lot easier,"I touched the screen.

"Hey I gotta go sorry. Be social for once, I love you. Bye."

"Bye,"I sighed.

"So you wanted to do a collab with me huh?"Troye said behind me.

"Oh,"I blushed. "Um I-I really like your music,"

"Thanks! We should do a collab tomorrow!"he smiled at me.

There was a knock on the door and Alfie got it this time.

"Sorry we're late Alfie, someone couldn't stop messing around with his fringe,"

"Not my fault I have Hobbit hair,"

I took one quick glance to see Dan and Phil. My cheeks grew hot, I could tell I was blushing.

"Dan! Phil!"Zoey hugged both of them. "I want you to meet someone,"she started to lead them towards me.

Nope, nope, nopety, nope and a big bucket of nope.

"This is Keila guys, Keila this is Dan and Phil,"

"Hi Keila,"Phil hugged me.

Phil friggen Lester just hugged me. My social anxiety was through the roof and I needed to breathe. I waved my hand in attempt to say hi.

"Are you enjoying London so far?"Phil asked.

I nodded looking around for an escape to calm down. Zoey saw my anxiety and brought food out. No one noticed as I slipped out the back door. (Out the back door god damn but I love her anyway) The backyard was big with trees shooting up here and there. Feeling like a kid again, I started climbing the trunk to one of the highest branches. Hold on Till May played in my headphone as I looked over the backyard.

"She sits up high, surrounded by the sun. One million branches and she loves everyone. Mom and dad? Did you search for me?"

I felt a tear slip down my cheek but quickly wiped it away when the back door opened. Dan stepped onto the porch and shut the door quietly behind him. Even though I didn't think he could see me I scrunched up against the bark of the tree. He ran his fingers through his hair and started to walk towards my tree. Please don't come near me please don't come near me. Just my luck he sat down with his back against the trunk of my tree. Don't look up don't look up. His head tilted up and I tried my best to hide in the leaves. He started to laugh and I sat there awkwardly.

"Well hello there,"

"H-hi,"dammit Keila.

"What are you doing up there?"

"What're you doing down there?"I replied before I could stop myself.

Swiftly I climbed down the tree and say next to Dan. He seemed easy to talk to rather than everyone else.

"Why are you out here?"he asked turning to me.

"I never was social at parties I'd always hide behind my friend Kyle. Since he's not here and I don't know anyone else I escaped outside."I rambled on.

"I'm not good at socializing usually I'm the one eating food,"he laughed.

Oh god that laugh.

"In the same way,"I agreed.

We sat in awkward silence for what seemed like eternity. Inside my brain was screaming at me to talk but my mouth refused.

"Do you want to play a game? I don't know much about you and you probably don't know much about me."

"Ummm sure, you first,"

"I see you like My Chemical Romance, do you like any other bands?"

"We're gonna be here for awhile,"I laughed.

After reciting my paragraph of bands, I asked a question. It went on like that for awhile until someone noticed we were gone.

"Hi Phil,"Dan smiled at his friend crossing the yard to us.

"Hey, they're getting drunk in there and I thought you would enjoy some of the videos I took of them,"

He showed us the videos and by the end both Dan and I were clutching our sides from laughing so hard.

"Can you send me those Phil?"


I typed my number into his phone and thanked him.

"I better get to my apart-I mean flat so I can unpack some before I go to sleep,"

"Do you need a ride?"Phil offered.

"Um yes I do actually,"

We got into the car and they drove me to my apartment. I thanked them and entered my apartment. It was pretty much empty besides the mattress and desk the owner left me. Immediately I plugged my phone into my speakers and started to unpack my sheets and blankets. My jamming ended when my text tone went off.

Hello Keila, it's Dan. I got your number from Phil. Thank you for hanging out with me tonight! Maybe we can get together tomorrow? :)

Hai Dan! No problem thank you for not freaking out when you saw me. I need to go furniture shopping tomorrow and I think Troye wanted to do a collab with me. If you wanted you can show me around Sunday?

Sounds great! See you Sunday! :) 

I sighed flopping down onto my mattress. I had made a new friend and met some famous youtubers. Socializing was exhausting though. London might not be so bad after all. 

(A/n: Hai unitatos! Two chapters in a day yay I'm productive! Go follow Naty_zelda their artwork is amazing! That's it baaaaaiiiii!!!)

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