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Dan's POV

"Dan hurry up, we're going to be late,"Phil shouted from the front door.

"Fine,"I sighed.

We got in the car and drove to Zoey's house. I didn't really like the parties but I had a good feeling about this one. Zoey said there was a new youtuber that was coming to the party and she wanted me to meet them.  


"I want you guys to meet someone,"Zoey led us away from the door. 

Zoey stopped us in front of a girl who had  dark brown hair with purple ends. She was looking down shyly.

"Guys this is Keila,"

Keila looked up and I could finally see her eyes. You could never tell what color they were, at first blue and green then some hazel and grey. She blushed when Phil hugged her and gave a little wave. I could tell she was anxious and I saw why. So many people she didn't know. Zoey brought out food and that was the last I saw of Keila. As usual Phil and I stayed by the food table until I wanted fresh air. Phil was talking to Troye so I slipped out the back door. Outside, the porch lights spilled onto the grass and casted shadows of trees. Something in the back of my mind urged me to sit underneath the tree so I did. There was a rustling in the tree and I looked up curiously to see what was making the sound. Above me was a pair of multicolored eyes and purple hair. I sat up startled but realized it was just Keila.

"Well hello,"I smiled up at her.


"Why are you up there?"

"Why are you not up here?"she mocked me.

Swiftly she climbed down the trunk and sat next to me. 

"You didn't answer my question still,"

"I'm never social at parties, I always hid behind my friend Kyle. Since he's not here and I don't know anyone else I escaped outside,"

"I'm usually the one eating food,"I laughed.

She smiled. Her smile was so bright but it seemed like she never really used it. We sat in an awkward silence until I decided to break it. Yay for Dan! 

"Do you want to play a question game?"

"Sure why not? You first,"

Oh no. Looking around I noticed her My Chemical Romance shirt. 

"What bands do you like?"

"Oh, um, My Chemical Romance duh, Muse, Black Veil Brides, All Time Low, Bring Me the Horizon.."she went on for a good five minutes but I didn't mind. 

"Do you like anime?"her eyes lit up.

"Yes I love anime!"I replied almost immediately.

We asked questions for awhile until Phil came out the back door. 

"There you are Dan! I've been looking for you,"

"We were just playing a game,"I said.

"I've got some great videos of tipsy Tyler and troye,"

"Can you send them to me?"Keila asked after watching them.

"Yea sure,"

She recited her number while Phil typed it into his phone. 

"Um can you guys drive me home? I don't have a ride,"Keila asked.


Surprisingly Keila didn't live to far from us. 

"Thank you!"she smiled and then disappeared into her apartment.

The whole way home I smiled. Phil gave me her number and I asked her if we could hang out. This party had to be one of the best ones yet. 

(A/n: Hai unitatos! Sorry this chapter sucks :( Next one will be better promise. Pearl will be updated soon! I'm starting something new and it's gonna be called Song of the Week. Basically whatever song I'm listening to the most. This week is Colors by Halsey! If you haven't heard it yet then go listen to it now. Why are you still reading this!? GO LISTEN TO IT NOW!!! That's all folks. *hides under Phil's bed* Baaaaaaiiiiii!!!) 

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