space facts!!

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hi, so this story was sort of based around similes and things about space and I realize that not everyone's as lame as I am so I just thought I'd explain some of the comparisons and add in a few fun fact and things.

i had a phase a year ago or so where I studied a bunch of things (learned morse code, the names of phobias, etc) for fun because i'm a nerd and space was one of them, which is why I know a lot about it.

-let's start with the main fact: the stars! there are like 400 million in the Milky Way alone and a lot of them do have their own planets that orbit them (chances of intelligent life? u tell me bruh). the thing is they are so far away that even the speed of light can't reach us fast enough and so by the time the light from the stars are in our sky the star in real time is probably a black hole by now. (this fact was not fun soz)

-the famous red spot on jupiter is actually a massive hurricane that's been going on for thousands of years by now. it's shrinking, but it's still pretty goddamn big. big enough that it would fucking devour earth like three times that is (size comparison below lmao)

-the name of the galaxy that's closest to ours (the milky way) is called andromeda and billions and billions of years from now, our two galaxies will collide

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

-the name of the galaxy that's closest to ours (the milky way) is called andromeda and billions and billions of years from now, our two galaxies will collide. which is cool. except it'll screw with the spiral effect and everything will look all messed up instead of pretty.

-Saturn is a cool planet. its rings are made up of ice and rock and the planet would float if you somehow got it in a giant, planet sized tub of water because its density is lower than water's. which I think is really cool. idk I'd love to put Saturn in my bathtub. it also has 57 moons and Titan (moon) is the 2nd biggest in our solar system. go Saturn

-more on the moon Titan, the atmosphere there is so thick that you could fly if you attached some wings to your arms and flapped really hard. don't try it though. it's so cold there some forms of gas are frozen or liquid (liquid methane is a main one) and temperatures go to like below -100 degrees Celsius. also it reminds me of attack on titan which is cool idk 

-there's a theory that is space is infinite then there's a vey likely chance of an exact copy of you somewhere in the universe. let's hope that the alternate dimension me isn't antisocial and broke ha ha ha

-a thing called a neutron star is so dense that a teaspoon of one would be equal to the entire earths population and kill us all lol fun

-the sun takes up 99.8% of our solar system's mass. damn son [sun*] stay in ur lane

-Jupiter actually has no surface bc the whole planet is helium and hydrogen right (gas giant along with Saturn)  so you cant land on it. if you could, there would be the the insanely high pressure (it's so high the hydrogen that makes up the planet is liquid) and being sucked in by the planets gravity because of its goddamn size and the winds there go up to almost 400 mph and yeah it just wouldn't be pleasant. you would die instantly is what im saying

-olympus mons is the tallest volcano in the solar system (it's on Mars) and its dormant thank jesus but if it blew up it would probably screw with earth and it's orbit bc of how big the explosion would be. (size comparison below in french but still comprehensible)

-venus is the only planet in our solar system that spins backwards and nobody knows why idk power of love am I right

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

-venus is the only planet in our solar system that spins backwards and nobody knows why idk power of love am I right

-one day (billions of years from now don't worry) the universe will have gathered too much dark matter and will stop expanding like it is rn and start shrinking. so like in a few billion years we could have a reverse Big Bang an the universe will end lol nice concept to dwell on before u go to bed

-it takes about 225 million years for our sun to orbit the Milky Way once!! ONCE

-all the coal and wood and oil and gas on earth would only keep the sun burning for like 3 days. WE ARE USELESS SHITS.

  -the space between the earth and the moon can fit all the planets side by side (so yeah the moon is pretty far away from us despite how it may seem) --yet another diagram below 

  -the space between the earth and the moon can fit all the planets side by side (so yeah the moon is pretty far away from us despite how it may seem) --yet another diagram below 

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

-if a grain of sand was heated up to the average temperature of the core of a star (like 1500 million Celsius) it would fry a person to death from 150 km away. death by hot sand

-Uranus is tilted on its axis by 97 degrees which is why you don't go there if you're straight (jk jk did I offend anyone oops)

-last one i swear: our sun right now is actually one of the smallest kinds of stars that exist in the milky way and compared to our planets its still fucking massive. we are tiny, irrelevant ants on the scale of the universe who talk about love and loss and the point of life like we are so important but we're not. the universe is huge and beautiful so none of this matters. 

just enjoy life the way it is right now because we're all going to die one day (whether that be crashing into andromeda or the sun roasting us alive) and you don't want to spend this time being negative so here's a picture of the milky way from earth :))) look at how pretty and sparkly it is and who cares if you're just another star in someone else's night sky because you are part of this beautiful sky and you are the centre of someone's universe out there and that's all that matters.

just enjoy life the way it is right now because we're all going to die one day (whether that be crashing into andromeda or the sun roasting us alive) and you don't want to spend this time being negative so here's a picture of the milky way from ea...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

are you bored yet? hopefully not. I find space quite interesting but maybe it's just because i'm lame idk. if you learned anything then yay tell a friend to read my story (jk but yes pls) and if you didn't then oh well that means you know everything and that's cool u are cool

hope you enjoyed!! thanks for reading

all of the starsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ