Chapter 45

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Leanne's POV//
"Rach" I spoke softly after what feels like hours of silence
Rachel has not spoken much since she and Brad..well ended things I suppose.
"Rach please just talk to me" I'm almost begging her to speak at this stage i hate seeing her like this.
"Talk about what?" She said her voice cracking, she looked so emotionless and still just sitting there gazing at the wall.
"Well I don't know but you can't sit staring at the wall for the rest of your life"
"What else am I to do " she said plainly finally looking at me and I gave her a small sympathetic smile.
"We can" I suggested hoping she'd just agree and we can get her mind off things, instead she shook her head no
"What about...bowling? I know you like bowling"
"Lea I'm really not in the humour for doing anything right now" she sighed frowning
I nodded lightly letting out an exasperated sigh. Rachel can't sit like this forever after all she ended things with him. Were they even a thing? I honestly have no clue.
"I'm leaving on Friday you know that right?" I reminded her
She nodded.
Okay if this is all I'm going to be doing from now until Friday I may aswell ring my mam and stay with her until then because I'm not going to spend my small vacation out of Ireland locked up In a room watching my best friend mope around feeling sorry for herself.
"Rach if this is what it's going to be like for the rest of the week I'll just ring mam and get her to pick me up now, clearly you need some alone time"
"No! Please don't " she said quickly whipping her head around to look at me.
She then sighed and ran her hand through her her
"I'm sorry lea, I'm probably ruining everything for you" her eyes became glassy and I knew she was about to cry
I made my way towards her bed and sat beside her embracing her into a hug
"You're not ruining anything for me Rach don't worry"
"But you and Connor?" She cried
"We're just friends" ouch. Admitting it to myself that me and Connor will never be anything more hurts more saying it aloud.
"You deserve eachother "
I couldn't hide the smile that creeped it's way onto my face and then I remembered my best friend is crying in my arms..
"Let's have a girly night what you say? Face masks, onsies, junk food and white chicks?" I suggested and she looked up to me smiling
"I'll get the face masks"
I'm finding it very difficult atm to update frequently I'm sorry if this chapters shit😅

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