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Lizzy and Joel pulled up at callums house and honked the horn..

Beep Beep!

After about 3 minutes callum came running out with bags in his hands.

" You all ready callum?"

Asked lizzy


" Now we are of the the air port to pick joey gracrffa up."

Said Joel

As they were driving" work from home" came on and Joel,lizzy and callum started to sing. The windows were open and people walking past here the screening coming from inside. Soon the came to the air port and there was joey and another man standing beside him outside of the air port.

" Hi everyone!" Said joey poking his head in the window.

" This is Daniel my boy friend."

Said joey

Then Daniel said " hi" then the both got in the car and headed to game fest.

When they finally got there they say that I'd wasn't really busy.
There was only around 1000 people but last year there was around 100,000 people.

" Where is everyone one. "

Said callum

" Maybe zombies eat them...!"

Joked Daniel

"Shut up...."

Said Joey

Joel found a parking space. And just as lizzy was opening her door to get out someone ran up the the car.

"What the.....!"

Lizzy shut her boor immediately.

" Who was that?"

Asked lizzy

They looked at a bunch of people playing Pokemon go when a lot of strange looking people ran over to them and bit them....

Joel looked at lizzy

" Did any of them bite you?!"

He asked

"...No "

Then Joel drove as fast as he could back to Joel and lizzy house.

" I told you there was zombies."

Said Daniel

Joey have him the death stare

Thank for reading hop you like it
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