Trickster Time

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After Pyrope and Vriska put their clothes on, and Vriska had her sexy carrot peeler confiscated, the group walked on.
All of a sudden, Meenah flew out of the air, and her beautiful ass landed on Vriska's face.
"Whale, looks like your descendant ate asshole," Condi said to Mindfang.
Mindfang slapped Condi. Pyrope did too. Then Mindfang slapped Pyrope's ass.
"Stop it, Ancestor, we're not like those slutty Pexies." Vriska said.
Meenah took out her trident.
"Put that away before you poke someone's eye out," Condi ordered. "And why is there red blood on it?"
"I killed someone today." Meenah said.
"This crazy Olivia  chick. She had pink hair. I think she might have been rawring at me. What a freak."
"Ok, cool." Condi said, nodding.
"WTF! Why is killing ok?" Pyrope asked.
"Shh, they do this all the time." Vriska said.
All of a sudden, a trickster ghost girl floated out of the forest.
She had green curly hair, and a spoon on her head.
"Why do you suspiciously look a lot like my gillfrond?" Meenah asked.
"Because, I am Kat." The girl said.
"WTF, whyyyyy?" Meenah asked.
The trickster ghost girl replied by snogging Meenah.
"Meenah, no, kissing tricksters is bad!" Vriska said. "That's how you become one!"
But it was too late. Meenah now had pink hair, brightly colored clothing, and nerd ropes replacing her braids. She giggled.
"Great. Now my kid went trickster." Condi said with a sigh.
"Who wants to join us?" Meenah called.
"OMG, no way." Vriska said. "It would ruin my Emo image."
"Guys, don't you remember we have a serious problem?" Cara called out. "We have to find my husband."
"Party pooper." The tricksters said, and they flipped her off.
"She is right, you know. Perhaps we should look for the missing people." The Dolorosa said.
"No, let's sexily peel carrots instead." Vriska said.
"Vriska, you're still grounded from doing that! Forever!" Mindfang said.
Vriska pouted.
"Can I at least date Pyrope?" Vriska said.
"Do you even know her first name?" Mindfang asked.
"It's Terezi." Pyrope said.
"Well, now I do." Vriska said proudly.
Just then, Cara let out a shriek and pointed to something on the ground.
"It's Kankri's head!"

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