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"your shirt was black when we walked in," talula quietly states from the stool next to andy.

"yea," she sighs back, pulling at the warm material she sweated through ages ago. "someone in the bathroom let me borrow this. no big deal."

talula nods, knowing it's in fact a large deal; only two people went in that bathroom, and matthew happened to leave shirtless. a blue girl is nothing, if not aware of the blatantly obvious.


it's almost one and drive like i do's set ended fifteen minutes ago, but the blue club is still in mars rock, waiting. for jay to ask out may, for eliza to stop apologizing, or for andrew to get her confidence back; no one is really quite sure.

so they wait.

matty bursts through the door leading to the front of the club first, everyone else following (including that one guy who's always around somehow). he feels like he's two seconds from passing out, and is seriously considering punching the pink girls who won't stop talking in his ear.instead, he stops walking and runs a hand over his face, pulling at his lips to keep from grinning; 'cause he honestly can't believe andrew fletcher didn't leave yet.

he would be laughing right now at the way the moon is streaking tattoos across her tired brown face as she gazes at her friend, or how her hair is completely sweated out- if it isn't so damn beautiful. the closer he gets, the more matty is starting to think andrew's profile is his favorite piece of art.

he struts over and taps her on the shoulder. andy spins her seat toward him and already knows who it is, but is still starting to sweat. her heart is pounding really, really fast because she knows she looks a hot mess and her sentences are never really coherent when she's tired and damn, is she tired.

"andrew fletcher, what on earth are you doin'? innit a lil' strange to be waitin' inside a closed club?"

"i, uh...jay," andy hitches her thumb back towards the pixie cut behind the counter. "she's closing, and...we're friends."


she nods, and he really could get used to her features in the early hours.

"so, fletch. lay it on me, no holdin' back whatsoever, ok? did we suck?" matty inquires, cheekily biting his lip. her mouth is slightly agape because this is fairytale shit she's living right now, with the boy thats invaded her mind staring right into her eyes with something she wants to think is close to admiration. how in the hell did a black kid from seattle end up being a princess?

one of his brows is cocked, and she realises he really wants an answer.

"that was all great. amazing. like, wolves? wow. like, really, wow," andy sputters out as she watches his slender fingers run through his hair. instinctively she does the same and pulls her fingers back in horror (almost snagging her nail) as she feels the curly, sticky mess.

"i like your hair. s'cute, almost like we're matchin'," matty comments, and laughs this deep laugh. he can't tell if it's the fatigue or the fact that he just met andy and is already wanting to hold her tightly, but he can't stop this sudden overflow of joy erupting from him after looking at her.

"wanna, erm, talk outside for a minute, if you have one to spare? s'really hot in here."

"i'd actually really like that," andy whispers, standing up. she's staring at him staring at her in his shirt, and she can feel 'gusty' dislodging itself from the dirt. and when she links her pinky finger with his with the little spark she's regained, he's sold on fact that she's better than a million pink girls combined.


ayeee another one dONE.
sorry this is trash, i really am trying to make this a good story.

pray for me.

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