Chapter 5

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Gianna's POV

I woke up early the next morning to start getting prepared. I took a long deserved shower and applied lotion and dressed into the black lace dress I bought. I was never a person to wear make up so I just put on mascara, eyeliner and a dark shade of purple lipstick. I placed all of these in a little clutch and went to my kitchen to go get some breakfast. I ate a slice of toast and drank a glass of orange juice. I brushed my teeth and let my chestnut coloured hair flow down my back and tied a bandana around. I slipped on my stilletos and walked out of the house. Opening my beloved BMW, I entered and drove straight to the building. I parked my car in the underground parking lot and walked into the very tall building.

Once I entered, I walked straight to what seemed like a reception and talked to the woman sitting up front. I glances at her name tag which clearly had the name Isabelle written on it and summoned her.

"Excuse me ma'am, I am here for an interview with Mr. Samuels as a personal assisstant. "

"Sure, go on straight till you see an elevator, let it take you to the top most floor and the last door in the corridor is where Mr. Samuels will be attending to you."

"Thank you!"

I headed to the elevator and pressed 14, which happened to be the top most floor. At the end of the corridor, there in big gold letters was Mr. Jacob Samuels. I headed straight for the door and had not realised I was busy adjusting the hem of my dress. That is a common sign of nervousness I usually get.

I knocked on the big brass door and waited for a response.

"Come in!"

I opened the door and there seated in his chair was the one and only Jacob Samuels. Everything of his neatly put into place and it was tempting for me to scratch my hands through his hands, although I had to be diplomatic enough. I had not realised that I had been staring until I heard someone clear the throat and a deep and husky voice said " Take a seat".

And I sat.

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