Chapter 15

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Gianna's POV

I am happy that Jacob accepted coming to the family reunion with me. I was worried that he would not even allow me to go on my own. It was in 2 weeks time and Ihad to inform him about it before anything comes up and we would not be able to go because me as his PA had to be with him  all the time. By the time all his questions about my family stopped, our drinks had arrived. I did not even notice how thirsty I was until I took a sip of my favourite drink in the world ~ lemonade. Jacob just watched me drink my lemonade but he did nothing. His face seemed to be emotionless and deep in thought so I just ignored him. I was shocked that the moment I turned around, our food arrived. I could tell that I  was not the only one staring at the waitress who seemed to be walking slow with them in her hand.

She placed our plates and walked off. I immediately unwrapped my fork from the serviette it was wrapped in. Jacob watched me look at my food eagerly and I ignored him because if I remembered that he was there, I would not eat.

I gulped down the food forgetting that i am in public and with one of the richest man in America. I was not on my own in my house enjoying noodles for dinner. I could not help the moan that escaped my lips. This food tasted good. I heard a low chuckle come from my right and saw Jacob laughing and staring at me.
"I can't help it, it tastes amazing!"

He just laughed and for some odd reason it made me smile. That was such a nice noise coming from him. He finally started eating and I let out a sigh because that could at least reduce the staring game he was doing towards me. I twisted my spaghetti on the fork and heard him finally speak up,
"That is an interesting way to eat spaghetti!"
"My brother Gregory taught me how to eat spaghetti like this because every time I would eat pasta or spaghetti, I would get fed up so quickly!"
"Oh really. I thought of you to be a spaghetti fanatic."
"I actually started enjoying spaghetti only when I learnt how to make different recipes using it."
"What have you liked since childhood?"
"Lemonade, it has been my all time favourite. My oldest sister is a dietician and she has told me a couple of times to reduce on the amount of lemonade I drink, but I cannot help it."
"I knew it!"
"What do you mean you knew it?"
"When I took you for lunch today, you ordered a lemonade and also just now."
"Really, is it that obvious?"
"Pretty much!"

I just held a conversation with Jacob and for the first time it does not relate to him eventually. He looks like the type to be so cocky and arrogant that he would spend all the time talking all about himself, which kinda annoyed me.

"What do you think about me?"
Did he just ask me that question?
"Honestly, at first I thought you were those regular cocky and arrogant billionaire until I got a job from you and you seem to not be what I expected you to be and to be honest, I am kinda happy."
The minute I told him that I was happy about him not being cocky, I put a smile on his face.
"Should I tell you what I think about you?"
"Yeah sure!"
"I think that you are beautiful, pretty, cute and your blue eyes sparkle every time you smile. It kinda does make you different. You are indeed the first woman that has slapped me obviously after my mom but I think that you are amazing."
Did Jacob the super hot dude call me cute?
I did an inside happy dance and a blush crept up on my cheeks.
"Thank you!"
"Can you be my girlfriend?"
"Um Jacob, you are my boss, don't you think that it would not be right for our working environment?"
"Can I return to you with the answer later?"

Afterwards we sat in awkward silence and I thought that he was pretty mad with because I probably denied him. I really do like him but I have a feeling that half of the colleagues will say that I only got the job because I slept with him and I was probably the best he had ever had in bed. I did not want that to happen. Plus I did have overprotective brothers and if they found out that I was dating one of the biggest players in America, they would never forgive me.

I had to let my brothers know meaning that I was not going to date until the family reunion because that is when I was next going to see them.

"Here is your bill sir and madam!"
The waitress dumped the bill on the table in front of us and walked away. I was planning to pay for at least my meal but by the time I lifted my head I saw both meals paid for and a huge tip. He reached his hand out and we left the restaurant walking hand in hand.

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