Covers and Vacations and Stuff

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Hello, Everyone!

Awesome things are happening in the next couple weeks. Firstly, tomorrow, I leave for vacation in Japan. It's my first time abroad and I'm a little nervous about the flight and wondering just how much Japanese I am going to remember from class, but I'm bringing my textbooks and my laptop for entertainment during the flight. I promise to post lots of pictures to my Facebook, both personal and author page.

Secondly, the lovely graphic artist, ironkite, has been working on the cover for Thief and assures me it looks amazing. I've seen a little of it and I cannot wait to see the rest. Sadly, I am not allowed to show it to everyone yet, but as soon as I get the go ahead, I will definitely be posting it everywhere.

Thirdly, I will be registering for my classes at Purdue University. Calculus 2, Physics 1 (or Chem 1, need to figure out which one), English or Communications (whichever has available space), and Engineering 1. I'll be starting my journey to a BS in Aerospace Engineering, and I am super excited. This fall will bring a lot of new things, with college (a six hundred mile move for me), having to get a new job, and Thief being published. New friends and stuff like that.

I hope everyone is having an awesome summer (winter for those of you down below the equator). I'll see you all in a few weeks when I get back from Japan. Interview with an Assassin, the next of Mademoiselle Boissieu's interviews with the characters, will be posted automatically on July 1st. It's the first time I'm trying out the automatic posting feature here. If you use Facebook to know when these things are posted, I also have it set to automatically post a link over there as well, which is also something I'm trying out for the first time. So we will see how it goes.

See you all in two weeks!


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