Kihyun (fluff)

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You look at the positive sign on the stick you're holding onto.
"No, this can't be possible." You mumbled to yourself as you took out another stick to test again. Positive.
What if this ruins his job? You messed your hair in frustration.
"Babe? Is there something wrong?" You heard a sweet voice in the midst of your frustration.
"N-no." You replied back.
You quickly threw the pregnancy test kit in the rubbish bin.
You quickly opened the door and rushed into your room.
Lying on bed, thinking about all the possible reaction he may have.
"(Y/n), let's go for dinner." Kihyun  said with no emotions.
"Ok, coming." You rushed out.
The two of you arrived at the restaurant and ordered your food.
There was awkward silence in the air but it was soon broken.
"(Y/n), how do you explain this?" He said with a tinge of anger as he showed you a picture of the pregnancy kit.
"T-that...I was about to tell you about it. I was afraid that the baby may ruin your future. I will abort it." You looked down.
"No. Don't abort it." He said while lifting your chin up.
"I have to be responsible for what I did. Sorry for not protecting you." He said and then kissed you.
The kiss felt magical and passionate. Couples envied the two of you a lot.
"Thank you for bringing this miracle into my life." He said.
From then on, he always talked to your stomach as if the baby could hear a single thing.

monsta x one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora